
8 Decks, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

looks pretty good i had a deck like this, i would maybe sideboard hideous end just cause its non black awesome card but can kinda render itself useless against black

Posted 18 September 2010 at 10:54 as a comment on The Throne of Blood


looks pretty solid while i think that diabolic tutor is kinda a waste of a turn being that you have enough of everything its more or less aimed to double you're chances of get that one card that you only have one of in your deck, so i would swap that with a blade of bloodchief like jichomps suggested fantastic card even better on your nighthawk even better when you have your bond out as well i would also bump the bond down to 2-3 if you get two of them in your hand you begin to limit your options in your hand to only one line of defense, also have you thought about adding ruthless culblade she's awesome relevant early game and late game as well!

so mabye
-x4 D,T,

+x4 blade of the bloodchief

Posted 09 June 2010 at 18:35 as a comment on vampire's for the easy win

Permalink my deck:) are you trying to keep it standard or do you play casual, id also like to suggest dark ritual.... anyways i like the new list looks good id like to play it

Posted 02 June 2010 at 17:27 as a comment on vampire wrath


think you have too much removal.. you should work in consuming vapors in replacement for urge too feed, or i prefer smother ten times better than urge if your thinking about running bloodghast id consider running demonic appetite absolutly amazing card for black even better on a vampire night hawk i would also consider dropping tendrils for blade of bloodcheif just cause feast of blood and vampire night hawk should be all the lifegain you'll need, ive changed my deck recently im gonna update it now if your interested

Posted 02 June 2010 at 12:59 as a comment on vampire wrath


what about grindstone?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Posted 21 May 2010 at 15:55 as a comment on First mill attempt.


looks pretty good but i would get quag vamps out their not that great, maybe for 2 more pulse trackers or culblade would be better

Posted 03 May 2010 at 18:50 as a comment on Vampire


realistically i think vampire nocturnus and bloodghast and urge to feed are a waste. because that 4 manna turn you could gatekeeper something and disfigure something else or even get out two more creatures for you're bloodwitch next turn dealing devastating damage and life gain turn 5.

i would switch out probably two tendrils for two feast of blood also because worst come to worst you can kill your own creature deal two damage via kasaltria and gain 6.

i would also swap out bloodghast for pulse tracker hes very annoying like having a two one first turn that still deals damage if hes blocked
also what do you think of sign in blood with my smaller creature i can sign in blood and get out another creature 3rd turn and still have card advantage.
-x4 urge to feed
-x2 tendrils

+3 disfigure
+3 feast of blood

Posted 12 April 2010 at 16:29 as a comment on MBV


you only have two mill cards in here, and a few gargantuan creatures that you'll never get out no Grimoire Thief? or Hedron Crab? Tome Scour? traumatize is not gonna do anything if you dont have any more mill cards to finish the job ya know?

Posted 12 April 2010 at 15:39 as a comment on Mono Blue Mill


i have pulse tracker in there cause first turn i could have him and highborn out so second turn feast of blood on on of there creatures 4 life and 6 damage turn 2 and if need be ill kill him myself by disfigure 2 manna 2 damage 2 life ya know.

Posted 04 April 2010 at 18:20 as a comment on more vampires


there for thinning the deck out

Posted 31 March 2010 at 22:22 as a comment on Vampires


why do you have hexmage in there, do you play against a lot of counters?
what do you think of mine

Posted 28 March 2010 at 17:53 as a comment on Vampires


you should take out "tomb hex", it just stinks
and mind rot to cost to much for them to get to pick which cards to discard have you thought about "Hymn to Tourach"? instead.. id also drop diabolic tutor for maybe "Beseech the Queen"

Posted 26 March 2010 at 13:35 as a comment on mono-black vampires
