
10 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Actually, if you stack the Obzedat trigger right it will come back. I think Sanguine Bond would be pretty sweet against slower decks, but I'm more looking into trying to make Angels at the end of their turn if possible (with Trading Post + Angelic Accord out you can make Angels at their end step). I think the decks real sweet, I am currently trying it out with only 1 Whip and 4 Trostanis. GL if you decide to sleeve this up, it is definitely a blast to play!

Posted 30 November 2013 at 20:05 in reply to #415338 on Trading Junk for Angels


I would consider adding Delver of Secrets along with Thought Scours/Peeks for instant speed cantripping to dig through the deck and power up Runechanter's Pike. Having only 7 creatures with your Runechanter's Pike as your main win condition, with no draw, seems really loose. Mana Leak over Counterflux in the main as Counterflux is way too slow against burn/infect/affinity. Delver of Secrets on turn 1 with counter backup can just straight up win you games. Also, what is your plan against Pyroclasm? RG Tron runs 4 in the main, so it might be good to throw in a Spell Pierce or Spell Snare. Hope this helped a little!

Posted 02 October 2013 at 18:04 as a comment on Modern Izzet (Help)


Good decklist I think although it would probably not be too stable with the tri-color base. I really like the Olivia insert its a card I missed in my jund wolf run. There are some cards I'd throw in for more mana stability like birds or sphere of the suns. The deck I run is really good at gettng a stable multi color base going and stealing other peoples threats heres a link to the deck:

Posted 26 December 2011 at 10:15 as a comment on Wolf Run Jund
