BEDH: Avaricious Artistry

by NorthernWarlord on 22 January 2023

Command Zone (1 card)

Creatures (1)

Main Deck (99 cards)

Sideboard (0 cards)

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Deck Description

Big pictures provide big bucks!

This is a Budget Elder Dragon Highlander deck (BEDH for short). It is meant for the Elder Dragon Highlander format, a.k.a. Commander. If you are not familiar with the format, I'll link it below for you.

I mostly use MTG Vault for my own private projects nowadays, but feel free to comment or request a deck of your choice. I've loved the Vault so far, and I like that they are still improving on it, as well as I am improving on my English language skills.

So, if you like what you see, consider checking out some of my other budget-y work from the link below.

How to Play

Rakdos treasures, simple as.

Kalain lets you play your creatures bigger depending on how many treasures were used to cast them. Thus, utilize big trample-haste-creatures with some savage buff ups such as Unleash Fury in order to deal huge amounts of damage.

Statistics: (out of 5)
- Deck Speed: <><><> (How quick the deck is?)
- Creature Focus: <><><><> (How much this deck relies on creatures?)
- Creature Size: <><><><> (How big are the main creatures of this deck?)
- Card Synergy: <><> (Do the cards of the deck help out each other well?)
- Card Value: <><> (How much card advantage can you get out of your cards?)
- Level of Complexity: <><> (How hard this deck is to properly play?)

+ Multiple strategic ways of utilizing treasure tokens!
+ Able to burst enormous amounts of damage all out of sudden.

- Requires some setup before its big plays.
- Might lose a lot of value to instant-speed removal cards.

Deck Tags

  • Rakdos
  • Treasure
  • EDH
  • Casual
  • Budget
  • Cheap

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 385 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for BEDH: Avaricious Artistry

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