
5 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

What is the infinite loop? Also, way too many spells .

Posted 02 February 2010 at 19:47 as a comment on new infinate combos


Thanks, as for veiling oddity, I don't think I really need that as all creatures or either flying or unblockable to begin with. If my opponent has flying walls, I can use Ice Cage or Sigil of sleep to get around it. But, that did remind me to put in Chronozoa, so thanks.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 13:34 as a comment on Illusion Deck


Good deck! Only problem I can see is there's a lot of 1/1's that could be destroyed be a burn deck.

Posted 01 February 2010 at 10:51 as a comment on Pirates of Fortune


Thanks, I can see why you would want to have Path to Exile instead of Gift of Estates, but in play I get mana screwed sometimes with this deck due to lack of cards to draw or fetch lands. That's why I use Gift of Estates, Path to Exile could work, but I'd end up just exiling my own creatures for land. As for the Daru Warchiefs, they're there to buff other soldiers more, I decided to use them over Coat of Arms for the 1 less on top of Ballyrush Banneret.

Also, thanks for the thing about the Planeswalkers, overlooked that.

Also, I did just update it, replacing a Daru Warchief and a Goldmeadow Harrier for Deftblade Elite.

Posted 26 January 2010 at 21:47 as a comment on Soldier Tokens!
