
2 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Play Bitterblossom, play mana matrix, play apprentice.

Discard symbiotic creature to use apprentice, gain bbb, use b and sacrifice bitterblossom token to play recurring nightmare, bring the symbiotic back. With bb floating, play recurring nightmare again for b, sacrifice the symbiotic to gain four or seven tokens, return the apprentice to play.

Fecundity allows the combo to proceed by drawing more cards to feed the apprentice every cycle, otherwise the combo runs out with your hand. With b floating, discard any card to use the apprentice and gain bbb, sac a token for the nightmare, bring back the symbiotic, etc. Every "cycle" of the combo draws you more cards, adds b to your mana pool to feed the consume spirit at the end of the turn, and nets you a handful of tokens.

Feldon's cane keeps your library from running out and should allow you to go through 60-80 cycles of the combo in one turn. You could have 80 black mana to consume spirit, 480ish 1/1 creature tokens, and if you discard and bring back the Soul Warden at some point, you should be at somewhere around 160 health.

Have fun.

Posted 13 November 2009 at 22:37 as a comment on Tokens
