
3 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

This deck looks nice, here are my comments :

as you can take advantage from Venser you can replace 4 steady progress with 1-2 contagion clasps and 1-2 contagion engine, they are great boost for venser and your counters on humans.

Still for the same purpose instead of having Gideon's Avenger, put in 4 Fiend hunter, with Venser ability you can take out one small creature in the first game and then when he throws his/her Wurmcoil you can then target it.

As your deck seems to have bounce effect, put in as much Snapcaster Mage as you can, it powers up your Champion of the parish, lets you draw one card with mentor of the week + flashback...

Only 2 (3 max) copies of Mikaeus are enough as they are legendary.

Finally, I never used Nevermore, but I see big potential combined with Gitaxian Probe....

Hope my comments helped!

Posted 02 December 2011 at 00:55 as a comment on W/B control whit human and proliferate !! please leave comment


Everything is fine except heartless sumoning. You don't really need it as you have lot of smass creatures. It would kill your mindshriekers. You can put some Go for the throat instead

Posted 24 October 2011 at 14:37 as a comment on your loss my gain


Definitely would put in 2 time reversal

Posted 22 October 2011 at 14:31 as a comment on Draw = Kill


Nice deck!
Otherwise i would get rid of both nephalia as you only have 2 catacombs that produce black mana. Focus on white mana, this way you can easily cast your mirran crusader on turn 3.
I would get rid of both timely reinforcements and put 3 dream twist. So probably also get rid of one think twice.

Posted 22 October 2011 at 14:27 as a comment on Millblade


This decks looks very fun to play but also slow. You have to survive for 4 turns at least. No creature removal nor lifegain ?

Posted 04 October 2011 at 19:21 as a comment on Avatars of awesome


If you are playing a graveyard based deck especially with the bonehoards, you might prefer some day of judgment instead of arrest/pacifism.
I would also add some Mimic Vat, it works pretty well in this type of deck.

Posted 13 September 2011 at 18:57 as a comment on White Graveyard Deck


It looks good! I like the synergy.

I would recommend you to add 3 Rise from the Grave, i let you imagine what you can do with it combined with Zombie Infestation...

You have gravedigger, is disentomb still indispensable ? Other ideas : 3 Quest for the Gravelord, 3 Phyrexian Crusader for defense ? 3 Adaptive Automaton to boost your zombs ? or finally some discard like 3 Despise/Distress (can make good combos with Rise from the Grave)

What is the purpose of Reassembling Skeleton ? is it really useful?

In my opinion I would say
+1 Grave Titan (+2 if got the funds)
-3 Diabolic tutor

I also use 2 Sutured Ghoul in this deck, you could give it a try!

Posted 10 August 2011 at 00:49 as a comment on Answer the call!
