
1 Deck, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks a lot, I'll be on the lookout for those cards and I appreciate the help.

Posted 20 May 2010 at 14:27 as a comment on B and B


haha the reason i named it B and B was because it was black and blue. though it was also kinda a reference to bed and breakfast places, since I was eating breakfast on my bed when I uploaded it on here.

Yeah the reason I added death's shadow was because my friends kept knocking my health quite low before i could get my creatures leveled up completely, so death shadow was added as kinda of deterrent since at the time I was tweaking this deck, we were playing with 4 player free for all.

Posted 20 May 2010 at 13:50 as a comment on B and B


thanks a lot. yeah this deck was made without any play sets, we just got a big box of cards and put together what we thought worked. but as i said, we're both new and just learning the basics. I've played with this deck only a couple times and i keep getting my level creatures killed by lava axe or something similar, which is why i've added some counter spells to it. i would like to have a couple mana generations spells/enchantments to speed along the leveling process. any suggestions?

Posted 20 May 2010 at 13:25 as a comment on B and B
