
20 Decks, 38 Comments, 0 Reputation

Cheers. I've dropped it down to 60 and added in more draw, namely Jace.

Posted 31 July 2011 at 23:30 as a comment on U/B Draw Mill Archivist Fun


With unblockables and unsavoury deathtouchers, It will be easy enough to get poison counters on my opponent. I included both necropede & rats; the former was replaced for some minor ramp & the latter wasn't needed as I have enough poison effects/creatures & I needed useful targets for tainted.

Any control I could include would slow the deck down, wither & deathtouch are my control.

Posted 05 November 2010 at 14:24 as a comment on U/G Infect


I've made a few modifications since posting due to a few sample draws. Green accelerates this deck to allow for some very quick golems.

Twisted image can kill BoP & walls and temper red aggro. Excellent draw with Precursor.

Twisted is my best bet fetch Precursor golems early on. Distortion strike is a win condition along with rites. All T2?

Posted 26 October 2010 at 23:23 as a comment on Just Golems


Nothing? Some effective infect ramping going on here!

Posted 29 September 2010 at 12:35 as a comment on Proliferating artifacts mk.4


Draw cards; see beyond for treasure hunt.. 2 card draw and 1 card shuffle which is very useful when you start including cards like jace and keening stone which you do not need two off.

Lands; Ideally any blue pay 1 life fetchland or failing that, a normal fetchland.

Creatures; Drop the snapper and replace with Aether adept. Then if you wan't to go a bit creature heavy add in Halimar Excavator, Jwari shapeshifter and Umara raptor, The bounce abilities of unsummon, tradewinds and aether adept all work very will with ETB allies, the hedron crabs and general control!

Sideboard in twincast & switch it in/out for redirect. Where one works, the other won't.

Drop forsee and add Halimar depths.

Drop essence scatter and negate, add in 4 mana leaks.

Oh and don't forget keeening stone.

Posted 14 August 2010 at 10:35 as a comment on you lose


Draw cards; see beyond. 2

Posted 14 August 2010 at 10:30 as a comment on you lose


Very good mono-blue deck. I would suggest twin-cast as a sideboard pair for redirect; Against a mono-black deck with doomblades for example.. Being able to twincast your own unsummons and such would be more useful.

Otherwise, very good. Great synergy!

Posted 07 August 2010 at 20:58 as a comment on Merfolk Control (Type 2)


Amazing deck; I was disappointed that blue did not seem to have enough ompf to mill a deck to death; Keening stone was there but was too costly (thus slow) to deal.

But the mana excel, synergy with landfall is excellent. Personally I will drop the land-count, switch tome scour for mana leak (as a mere 10 card graveyard equates to a 2-turn keening stone win, so control will help survival) and add in some stormtide leviathan as control & plan-B win-condition. This kind of deck could get it out turn 4 as well!

Posted 22 July 2010 at 18:39 as a comment on Accel mill


The leyline & haunting echo's are counter productive. I need mill and I'm having problems finding enough mill oompf :(

Posted 15 July 2010 at 08:26 as a comment on Extended Mill mk.3


Try using the "Draw sample hand" a couple times. You will instantly see how this deck is flawed.

Posted 11 July 2010 at 18:09 as a comment on Quest for Ancient Crusher


Ah, good point - Both m10 & m11 will be concurrently legal for 2 months or so. What would you suggest for memory sluice & moonglove?

Posted 10 July 2010 at 14:40 in reply to #73051 on Extended Mill mk.3


It's a good deck. Fast, very fast with the warchiefs. Swinging with 5/5's on turn 3 is nasty!

You only might need to change the unearths to somthing more directly usefull; Your libary won't ever be short of zombies from the draw.. So either sign in blood for draw or use another killcard set. The cheaper ones to deal with weaker creatures could work.

Posted 07 July 2010 at 11:01 as a comment on Zombie Synergy Deck


I looked at it and I didn't like it due to the cost. I've got a mix of telemin, echoes and the nemesis for my heavy millers. If I were to add it, one of those would have to go to keep the curve down which may be already a little high.

Did not like the tidehollow or mask, nor the too-expensive Mnemonic wall. Swapped it out for cheaper tougher walls with actual utility and simpler draw ramping.

Posted 03 June 2010 at 18:40 as a comment on Standard Mill Mk.2


I am prepping for Nissan et al but this deck will be completely poop without some of the cards which will be rotating out.

Depends what Zendikar brings out, elf wise, but this (current) deck will loose alot of punch.

Its a game ender when you bring out a Soul's Majisty on a 5+ power creature & assuming you have a heritage druid. The other guy has 1 turn before death.

Posted 17 September 2009 at 19:22 as a comment on Zendikar Preemptive Elves of Dooom!


Reliquary tower could benifit this deck quite alot.

Posted 17 September 2009 at 16:33 as a comment on ZEN MILL


Its standard (or extended) legal but more importantly, immaculate majistrate counter-buff lasts indefinetly which is useful and definetly the extra 1 mana.

Is it is no-where near WAAAAAAY better, simply 1-mana cheaper for a worse effect.

Posted 17 September 2009 at 16:14 as a comment on Zendikar Preemptive Elves of Dooom!


Danke. I stumbled upon mercy killing, simply looking for a green kill-card but then realising its useful to produce more of my own tokens.

Another win is jagged-scar archers & mercy kill.

Posted 17 September 2009 at 13:43 as a comment on Zendikar Preemptive Elves of Dooom!


Devoted druids & a Quillspike, plus a mana reflection is a cheaper quicker way to make infinite mana.

Add in mercy killing to the above to get another cheap way to get out an infinite number of creatures. This can be turn on turn 3 too, I think.

In terms of making one big massive creature, Chameleon Colossus is a good way to absorb mana to become mahussive.

Posted 11 September 2009 at 07:54 as a comment on Mana Banana Stan


Catfish, please read the proper rules on cards via the gatherer MTG site. Zombie master is infact a zombie and he gives all zombies regenerate for (B) which is amazing. You want four because you want it to come out consistently.

Zombie warchief is *the best* buffing zombie in the entire game. Why o why would you want to run only 3? Nonsense.

Keep; Lords of undead, warchiefs, barons, zombie masters, cemetery reaper. Get rid of everything else. Add in a tough zombie like a helldozer or twisted abomination, some cheap killcards (terror, soul-reap..side board one of those) and some dark rituals.

With the final few cards, add a few more of personal choice, whatever they be (personally, I think Beseech the queen is a great card for a combo-killer deck )

Posted 11 September 2009 at 07:46 as a comment on Zombies


Not bad.. itll start off very slow until you hit 4 mana or so, then itll explode and hopefully do well. Looks good

Posted 10 September 2009 at 06:26 as a comment on Mono-Green Liege


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