
4 Decks, 55 Comments, 14 Reputation

I love this idea!!
Only am i thinking if Olivia Voldaren should have a spot or two here.

I am not certain about Rakdos Charm, though. Better put in cards that deals with bad situations rather than waiting for them.
Far//Away is a good way to get rid of multiple creatures. This cards versitility is amazing. You can even use it to save one of your creatures while killing one of your opponent's.

If you actually play this deck now and then, please post some of your own, honest comments and results :)

Posted 21 May 2013 at 14:49 as a comment on Abominated Sparks


Thought Scour seems a little misplaced here. You do not try to mill your opponent, and your own graveyard isn't much to you. I would replace them with Dreadbore to get some removal.

Posted 21 May 2013 at 12:11 as a comment on Standard Grixis


Greetings my fellow Grixis inhabitant!

I have sworn an oath to forever serve the cause of Lord Bolas, and wish to aid you in destroying our enemies >:)

I love heavy control just as much as the next disturbian. I do, however see a slight problem with your deck.
Kill 2 talrands and counter Ral Zarek.... How do you win now?
I believe I would remove some of the 1-of-spells and put in some control/midrange creatures. Most of all i recommend Olivia Voldaren. Not only is she good at controling your opponents table. She can also grow to devastating powers and overwhelm your opponent with raw violence.
If you like large creatures, try Niv-Mizzet. 6/6 is hard for your opponent to get rid of if he does not play specific destroy-spells like dreadbore, murder etc. Also, he can draw you cards, making him good at controlling.
Personally, i enjoy using Ætherling. If you keep your mana up, he is almost impossible to kill, and he can hit like a freaking train!

All Hail Lord Bolas!

Posted 16 May 2013 at 18:25 as a comment on Grixis Control


Hoy mate!

Overall i like this idea. It has potential without being all too main stream (You know I hate that crap xD)

The one thing i dislike is your use of two Bonfire of the damned. I don't believe it to be bad in this deck, but consider its price and that it'll soon rotate. If it was me, i would rather spend the money on something else - example given, Sphinx's Revalation and Boros Reckoner.

I'm not quite sure about Harvest Pyre. I do see the potential to shoot down most any creature, but still. I think you would be better off with another Searing Spear or Izzet Charm.

I see forward to see the deck in action :D

Posted 01 May 2013 at 20:29 as a comment on UWR midrange (DM)


I must admit i don't believe much in this deck. I have though been surprised before, so why not this time too? :)

That said, I think this is the ultimately most awesome idea i have ever seen in Magic!
I am so going to aproxy this deck and try it out, if not for the win then for the epic laugh.

You, sir, inspire me!

Good job!!!!

Posted 18 April 2013 at 18:47 as a comment on what deck r u using? oh me to!


Seems pretty legit for a first timer deck.

I couldn't help noticing your use of Jace, Memory Adept. Many new players don't see the power of drawing a card - Good job!

Your overall idea seems great.
If I should say, what you need is control cards - mainly creature removal. I can recommend cards like Ultimate Price, Murder, Tribute to Hunger and Devour Flesh. All very cheap cards.
For more pricy cards that could improve your deck, lands like Watery Grave and Drowned Catacomb does a great card.
Consider the land Nephalia Drownyard. The noncolor may seem hard to trust, but i think you will get to love it :).

I too like Wight of Precinct Six, but you will most likely face one problem: Creatureless decks. I for example play Grixis Control. My deck contains 9 creatures all in all, and i often face decks with 4-6 creatures. I think you should sideboard it and find a better, overall alternative.

I hope you can use my comments for something, and have fun driving your opposing planeswalkers insane xD

Posted 24 March 2013 at 18:45 as a comment on Dimir Mill (Magic newbie)


You have Vampire Nighthawk, Thragtusk and Obzedat, Ghost Council. Consider Underworld Connections for card draw. Losing those life should not hurt you all too much with your life gain cards.

Posted 22 March 2013 at 08:28 as a comment on G/W/B "Junk"


You, sir... Inspire me!

The descriptions, the ideas, the flavor! I think I could lose 100 times with this and still love it.

That said, I actually believe in this deck. With only very few modifications, I think this deck could become a real killer.
It has the early control, it has the endurance to withstand a few hits now and then, and it has the late game, certain kill.

I believe shoving in cards like Exquisite Blood and Blind Obedience would do the trick, and it could also work with the flavor, or?

But in the end, I have only one thing to say: I bow to you, Oh Lord of Curses. Thank you for showing me a path to find joy in my enemies pain.

Posted 13 March 2013 at 21:52 as a comment on Ominous Fate Befalls upon thee


The only problem I see is your lack of defense.
Red Deck Wins, Naya or the like is going to kill you before you even started, or?

I can only recommend lowering your amount of mill a little to add some kills like Ultimate price.
Another great card for decks like this is Augur of Bolas. It has a relatively high toughness and makes you search through your top deck - He will help you search for kill when needed and milling when your opponent doesnt show to be all too aggressive.

For cards I wanted to remove:
Chronic Flooding is great, but its unreliable. You opponents will only mill if you stress them, and to be honest, milling is neither fast nor aggresive.
Dreadwaters with only 20 lands in the deck? I think you can find better use of those 4 cards.
Thoughscour is fun and all, but not very powerful. Maybe you could add Think Twice instead - consider milling 2 is to deal 1/30 of your opponents maximum health in damage.

Posted 13 March 2013 at 21:30 as a comment on Discarding the gods


Seems like a fun deck.
I was just wondering:

With only Trollhide (2/66 of your deck) having an instant ability, couldnt you put in something better than Urban Burgeoning?

Posted 28 February 2013 at 22:54 as a comment on Aura Smasher


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