
4 Decks, 55 Comments, 14 Reputation

I don't know about your budget for this deck, but I think some extra effort in you land base would be great. As much as I love your reanimator combo, you can't count on it to flow smoothly every time. I would add 4 Godless Shrine and 4 Temple of Silence to your deck. This way, you make it possible to drop Obzedat, Ghost Council and Ashen Rider from your hand, should your rats betray you.

I'm not sure about Drainpipe Vermin. I think I would rather have 2-3 more kills and an Underworld Connections. With three additional spots in your sideboard, you could put in Distress or Thoughtsieze when fighting control decks. Those cards would be ideal to exchange with the additional kills.

Posted 14 October 2013 at 12:53 as a comment on devotion to rats


I am afraid you have misunderstood the use of Illusionost's Bracers. They can only copy so called "activated abilities". The only of such you have in your deck is Porphorus and Thassa. The abilities of Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe are Triggered Abilities, and will not be affected by the Bracers.
Still I think this deck could become pretty lethal :)

Posted 28 September 2013 at 18:43 as a comment on Wave of Flame


I think you should reconsider your use of Farseek - it cannot find you a basic forest :P

Posted 10 September 2013 at 21:55 as a comment on Mono Green Ramp


Nicol Bolas doesn't need to be tutored. Nicol Bolas shows up when your opponent need it the least

Posted 08 September 2013 at 10:21 in reply to #395020 on Grixis tonights FNM


Thespian stage makes an identical copy of the land itself. Notice the first part of the text in Awaken the Ancients - "Enchanted land is...."... Thespian Stage is not enchanted with Awaken the ancient, and will thus not live up to this circumstance. In short - Thespian Stage will become a regular mountain with no special abilites, except for still having the Thespian Stage ability to copy another land later on.

Posted 05 September 2013 at 05:16 in reply to #393304 on no creature idea


Looking at your turn 3 drops, i believe you should turn your elves into more Pilgrims. They will help you cast a turn-2 Reckoner, which is pretty devastating.

I would also consider finding space for Loxodon Smiter. This guy, also castable at turn-2 with a mana dog, can make your opponent tremple with his mere presence. Imagine:
T1: Pilgrim
T2: Smiter
T3: Armed/Boros Charm - hit for 10

I see your idea with the Raider, but I am not quite sure about her and Legion Loyalist. You don't seem to swarm your oppoent with creatures, thus not really using their full potential. You could consider something more stable and/or trustworthy.

This is not a suggestion.. This is an order! Add.... Kessig.... Wolfrun!!! xD
This land will blow your opponent up. When your Pilgrim becomes a dangerous win-condition, a good answer is required.. every... fucking... time!

I like your deck, and these were my oppinions as to how making it better. I hope you can use my ideas :)

Posted 26 August 2013 at 21:40 as a comment on Naya Aggro


I am curious as to what you use Unexpected Results for. With only 4 cards in the deck with a higher casting cost that it, i don't see the point. Maybe you see something I do not?

Posted 24 August 2013 at 15:19 as a comment on Right out the Gates


This deck in two words: EPICLY AWESOME!

I'm not entirely sure how, but i would see if i could find space for archive trap in the main board. Many Modern players use fetch lands, and occasionally you will get to cast the trap at your turn zero when you're on the draw. I wouldn't board more than two.. Having them on your starting hand against non-fetched decks could become annoying.

As much as i love the idea of Tamiyo and Psychic Sugery, i think i would rather have a few more kills.. With only 2 Black suns as board removal, i would fear to be overrun. Something that can work with the scepter would be to prefere - Doomblade, Go for the Throat, Geth's Verdict etc.

I am going to proxy this deck and return with further comments :)

Posted 05 August 2013 at 15:50 as a comment on Asylum


I really like this deck!
A few things i would personally look at:

You play a lot of half playsets, e.g. 2 Protean Hydra while also playing 2 Primordial Hydra. Consider if Primordial wouldn't win more games than Protean would. Pro might grow while Primordial will. This also makes it a fairly good 2-drop after a turn 1 elf drop - it will grow each turn anyways.
This leads me to my next suggestion. Add more forest and remove a few mountains. It's crucial for you to have that 1 green mana at turn 1 that comes in untapped. Ramping is essential here, as you want to overwhelm your opponent. If you have the means to, see if you can fetch yourself some shock lands (Stomping Ground) :)

A card you can consider as well: Doubling Season. Make sure you look up all the rulings on this card - it's pretty awesome :)

Posted 29 July 2013 at 05:47 as a comment on ***HYDRA-static***


I would throw out the rats and add another Azorius Charm. Then you hit 60 cards and get rid of a not so good card. Killing enemy creatures doesn't seem to be much of a problem here. You rather want to have a fleksible card at hand that can do more and that has instant speed :)

Posted 20 July 2013 at 20:20 as a comment on I Control Your Soul!!!


This deck is amazing!
The whole idea is brilliant - free-to-cast gamebreakers! :D

As a minor detail, I would remove Amoeboid Changeling and add Skeletal Changeling. They have got the same CMC, but the skeletal one can block multiple times, preventing your opponent from overrunning you before you can start your dragon spawning.

What concerns me the most about the deck: The mana base. With little to no life gain in your deck, I fear this will make you suffer too much damage or get too far behind. Using shock lands, you should consider the check lands also in the standard for the time being. Try to balance them out. I believe this will make your deck a little faster :)

Overall good job, i love the idea, and i wish you best of luck getting it to work the way you want.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 09:10 as a comment on The 5 Stars


My first suggestion would be adding some win conditions?

Posted 12 June 2013 at 22:09 in reply to #365405 on Grixis Standard


Pretty nice deck idea. Lets kill stuff till I can hit you so hard your ancenstors can feel it xD.

If i may come with some suggestions, I believe you should take a look at Blood Artist and Geralfs Messenger. These guys will make your Mutilate and Barter in blood so much funnier. Especially Geralfs Messenger works well there. Not only does he leech your opponent, he also leaves you with a creature on board after a Mutilate.

One of my friends plays a deck somewhat similar to this idea. He has great use of Diciple of Bolas. Even if you lose a creature to this guy, he will make your day. Imagine sacrificing a Thragtusk. You draw a hell lot of cards and get a new 3/3 token. All on all, thats not a bad deal. This will also have an amazing synergy with Geralfs Messenger, in case you follow up on that idea :)

Good luck with this pretty nice deck idea! :D

Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:28 as a comment on Gb Standard Control II


Hey. Welcome to Standard mate! I hope you're going to enjoy it just as much as I do :)

For mono black, consider the combination of Crypt Ghast and Killing Spree. Should your opponent outspawn you, this combo will make their eyes turn white. With Blood artist on the board, this might actually become a "Counter-or-I-win-combo" :)
Personally, i love playing control. If I was the one playing this deck, I would make it less aggresive but harder to hit. "Mutilate" might be the best oppotunity for you to turn more control'ish. Again, blood artist will help you make this card really creepy. 6-7 creeps die to Mutilate, you gain 6-7 life and an opponent loses equally. With e
Exquisite Blood - do the math ;).

I like your idea, but i believe you need to figure out wether you want to be aggresive or controlling. (Notice "trolling" in last said opportunity xD).

Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:14 as a comment on LifeDrain


Pretty cool deck.
I few suggestions:

Intangible virtue would do better than Hold the Gates as a main board. It costs less to cast, does the same thing plus making your army hit harder. True, Hold the Gates can make them heavier, that is not certainty, only opportunity.
I would main board Oblivion Ring in place of Soul Tithe. Soul Tithe is unreliable, as the opponent might just pay the price to continuously harras you with whatever permanent you're trying to get rid of.

As much as i love your idea of winning with Assemble the Legion, I believe 2 win-cards in a deck is slightly too little. You can consider Curse of the Pierced Heart as an additional poke. For only two mana, you poke your opponent every turn and support your Sphere of Safety.

I believe i would try to find space for another Assemble the Legion in your main board, as you pretty much need this card to win. Try removing one Reverberate for this purpose, as this card only is an chance-based card. Some decks really doesn't care much about you having this at hand.

I hope my words of advice can help a little. And best of luck with this awesome deck idea! :D

Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:02 as a comment on WR Enchantments Control


Seems very stable. I would replace Cancel with Dissipate. The exile part does so much in the current standard. Also, i would try to make space for Snapcaster Mage. Consider removing 2 Render Silent and 1 Blind Obedience. All in all a playable deck without being all to main stream :)

Posted 10 June 2013 at 13:25 as a comment on Standard blue white control


You can also take a look at Krenko, Mob Boss.. With Ral Zareck on the board, this guy can provide you with a vast army within no time.

Posted 09 June 2013 at 20:59 in reply to #363934 on Ral Zerker


I was wondering, how is this deck supporting Ral Zareck in any way? All you play that's really cool to untap is Izzet Staticaster. Consider Mercurial Chemister.

Posted 09 June 2013 at 19:22 as a comment on Ral Zerker


Cool idea, i pretty much like it.

My only concern is, you can't get rid of cards from your hand. If you draw Bolas or Stormtide, you are forced to cast them from your hand. You could consider cards like Faithless Looting or Izzet charm :)

Posted 02 June 2013 at 09:48 as a comment on Bolas Spirit Control


Hey mate!
Up with another deck?.. Again? xD

Well i usually don't comment on decks with no deck description. But i will say this so far?

I know not which will prove to be best, but you should take Intangible Virtue into consideration as a replacement for Collective Blessings. Your entire primary win condition will benefit from it and its cheaper. Early game, CB is useless - you cant cast it :P. Late game, you might rather want a 2-cost spell, so you may keep mana up for a swift Syncopate, resto-angel or the lake :)

Lets discuss further sunday :)

Posted 24 May 2013 at 20:31 as a comment on Bant Flash


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