
19 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation

How about Goblin Bombardment and remove the need to attack at all? Really liking the addition of Hellrider. Burn at the Stake is one I've been considering for a while as well. Do you ever have enough time to cast your big spells with 35 land? I tend to find I it's hard to get past 6 in a lot of games. Also, Goblin Gardener is basically another land death spell, though expensive. I have found him quite useful, especially with a Kiki-Jiki on the board (use responsibly). One last suggestion: Thornbite Staff. So good on so many different goblins.

Thanks for the comments on my Krenko EDH deck!

Posted 01 August 2012 at 22:49 as a comment on Krenko, Mob Boss EDH


Lackey seems like a card that would be good in the early game, but pretty terrible later. I've never played it in EDH, though. I ended up leaving the token generating sorceries out because they aren't high impact enough. I'd rather just be casting Krenko and tapping for tokens. Raid Bombardment seems like it could be pretty good, provided I have enough tokens.

Posted 01 August 2012 at 22:30 in reply to #276507 on Krenko, Mob Boss


It definitely needs more draw, but I was trying to find less symmetrical effects.

Posted 01 August 2012 at 22:28 in reply to #276506 on Krenko, Mob Boss


A couple combos I run in my edh are:

Squirrel Nest + Earthcraft or Sacred Mesa + Wild Growth + Earthcraft
Tradewind Rider + Seedborn Muse (I've always liked Tradewind Rider)
Squirrel Next + (attacking) Argothian Elder + Maze of Ith

A meaner winning combo is Hermit Druid + Laboratory Maniac + Resurrection/Karmic Guide/etc + flashback Deep Analysis.

These aren't exactly going to kill the opponent once assembled, but they give you a pretty good edge. I'd be careful with Tradewind Rider + Seedborn Muse. There are a few people in my playgroup who don't enjoy that interaction.

Acidic Slime should definitely be in your list, especially with Deadeye Navigator. I wish I had more suggestions for finding Primal Surge, but outside of the blue tutors helios mentions, green and white are all about tutoring permanents.

Good luck with your build!

Posted 10 July 2012 at 21:19 as a comment on Surge of Rafiq!
