
2 Decks, 9 Comments, 1 Reputation

Also too many 1 cards. Try this. have the following

3x Rakdos Lord of Riots
4x Dragonspeaker Shaman
2x Utvara Hellkite
2x thundermaw hellkite
3x tragic slip/ Go for the throat/ terminus
3x Dragon Hatchling
3x searing spear
4x pillar of flames/ lightning bolt
Flameblast Dragon
Aether vial
2x Wurmcoil engine

rakdos charm
Rix Maadi Guildmage
Rain of Gore
Pain Magnification
Bloodgift Demon
Vampiric Dragon
Rakdos Signet
Demon's Horn
Dragon's Claw
Rakdos Keyrune

Posted 12 October 2012 at 15:47 in reply to #296030 on rakdos power + dragon rage


Try replacing Rakdos Shred-Freak with gore-house chainwalker. Also since this is non standard try adding avatar of discord. It's pure rakdos evil.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 15:28 as a comment on rakdos power + dragon rage


I would suggest retain the wurm and add arbor elf in the list. you can use it with temple gardens so it's very useful. Then add a set of smiter. You'll be able to hit your opponent with 4 damage by 3rd turn or if you have silverblade bounded to smiter you can have instant 8 damage also have rancor to make that 12 damage.

Try cross referencing it with my list.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 15:11 as a comment on green/white aggro


I didn't get rakdos for his ability to shrink down casting cost since the deck in really fast. I got him for the 4 to cast 6/6 flying,trample. What's not to like from rakdos LoR? Lol

Posted 12 October 2012 at 14:23 as a comment on Rakdos Devils


I've considered that I can always switch it with relentless.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 14:21 as a comment on Selesya Hippie Deck


I can always switch it to gore-house chainwalker.

Posted 11 October 2012 at 06:14 as a comment on Rakdos Devils
