Mono White

by Rhody88 on 29 June 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (1)

Planeswalkers (1)

Enchantments (3)

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Deck Tags

  • Standard
  • Mono White

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 717 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Mono White

Looking for improvements

Posted 29 June 2014 at 05:43


There's a concept a friend of mine taught me when I started building decks:
"Stop and cull the roses."
You have quite a few cards here that you have only 1 or 2 of. Some of these makes sense! You don't ever want only Evangel of Heliods in your hand if you can't afford them, so it's fine if you have only 2 in the deck. Others, like Trained Caracel seem a bit weak. Drop some of those creatures and replace them with more useful creatures. Adjust them as you see which ones are strong and which ones don't add much to the deck.

Many of the creatures you have here have the ability "Heroic." Its a useful ability! Unfortunately, you don't have many cards(think Enchantments) here that you would want to target one of your own creatures with. Ordeal of Heliod is a great start. In fact, I'd probably want 4 of those in my deck.
But you'll want more enchantments that trigger the Heroic Ability to take advantage of that.
In your sideboard, I see a Launch the Fleet. Put 3 or 4 of those into your main deck. It's a really cheap targeting spell that ALSO gives you some little 1/1's to play with, too.
Some others to consider: Hold at Bay - Nyxborn Shieldmate - Gift of Immortality - Blessing - Holy Mantle - Sunbond (on a creature with lifelink) - Chosen by Heliod - Divine Favor

Oppressive Rays and Pacifism are great fantastic removal spells that stop threatening creatures from attacking you or getting in your way. Keep these in. I'd maybe put one more 'Pacifism' in and one less Oppressive Rays. You could probably replace the Excoriates with Avenging Arrows, too. Armament of Nyx would be a lot more useful if you had Enchantment creatures here, but as is, I think you can safely drop that one, too.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Magic!
I hope this helped some! :D

Posted 02 July 2014 at 05:59


Thank you! I am trying to build decks without buying to much more, but I have some of the cards you suggested and will take a look at what else I have. I appreciate the input!

Posted 03 July 2014 at 04:55


Oh yes, I can definitely understand that.
Starting out, you've got to stick to what you already have, and all that.
I'm glad I could help out, though!

Posted 03 July 2014 at 06:39


Tether, you are amazing man! Nice comment.

I would also encourage you to keep an eye on your mana curve. Tossing around as many high - CMC spells as you have is gonna take at least 22 lands. I might even go as high as 24.

Posted 03 July 2014 at 09:19


Aw, thank you!
I love it when people explaining the reasoning behind their suggestions the way I tried to.

(also, I agree with having about 23 lands)

Posted 03 July 2014 at 20:02


I appreciate the comments from both of you. I am going through my cards and some of the new ones I just got to see if I can make the changes you suggest. You both rock!!

Posted 04 July 2014 at 00:07


Re-worked my deck. Hopefully for the better!

Posted 04 July 2014 at 02:20


I looks ready to kick some necromancer butt. Go get em!

Posted 04 July 2014 at 06:49


Thank you!! I will let you know how it runs tonight.

Posted 04 July 2014 at 13:57
