
8 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Type your deck name...Your absolutely right about the elves and pilgrims. I also love the idea of the Loxodon Smiter, now I just need to find a playset that wont set me back too much more.
As for the Legion Loyalist, I actually like him most for that Battalion ability. Playing him late, almost like a sorcery. As long as I have two creatures out, play him as my third, the fact he has haste lets me go in with trample and first strike, plus neutralize any tokens at the same time. Yeah I probably lose him in the process, but for one red mana, I can still bloodrush one of the bigger attackers and deal that directly to the opponent.

Posted 27 August 2013 at 16:16 in reply to #391973 on Naya Aggro


Yeah, that was my concern with it too. I'm afraid that its overly reliant on the Blasphemous Act. I thought about adding some one drop goblins in to go along with the Krenko's Command, maybe even a Krenko, Mob Boss, to more or less stall until I draw what I need, but it might dilute the deck too much.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 14:51 as a comment on Boros Blasphemor
