
3 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

I am unsure of your early defense i give it a 4/10
After early game your defense gets a 6/10, small improvement.
Offense is 2/10 early but increases to 8/10 very quickly with potential 10/10
Removal is minimal 4/10 granted its deceptive and omnipresent. Not sure how consistent it'll be I guess Fling helps consistency. Hard to say with out actual play.
I could see mana being a problem when you need it. might have trouble bursting when you need to burst if not enough mana as you rely instants and sorceries.
Over all looks fun to play 8.5/10 hard to know what to expect depending on what you play against

Posted 23 February 2017 at 05:02 as a comment on Glorious Conscripts
