
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

So I played some at FNM tonight. I got there late so I just played a few time vs junk reanimate with serenity, thrag, some mana ramp and a few other pretty powerful creatures. I think I might play some negates in here on side board. I ran into a lot of exile when an opponent creature came into play. Maybe add some Tormod's Crypt for graveyard hate. I'm definitely thinking about trying stolen identity. vs thrag and reckoner and other bigger creatures, but it's just so expensive. If i can get a crypt ghast out on turn 4, I had problems with too much mana and no cards. I had fun with the deck and will look to modify it for next week.

The best hand to start with was a few mana, inv stalker and 2 bindings vs reanimte. Lock down those mana ramp creatures to slow them down a bit. From there the really only issue I ran into was my creatures being exiled when serenity came into play.

Posted 16 March 2013 at 07:26 as a comment on Rogue Cipher


You could possible think about putting Goblin Electromancer in there to get out ciphers faster.

Posted 06 March 2013 at 07:25 as a comment on Cipher Copy Burn
