
2 Decks, 115 Comments, 17 Reputation

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I have a Sliver Legion, GREAT card although I get to victory quite often through other means. I am unsure what advantages Sliver Overlord and Sliver Queen could offer my deck, and if there's something POWERFUL about them, then what to take out for them??

Posted 03 March 2013 at 07:46 in reply to #328153 on Persecution by Sliver


I second that... many different creatures is not necessarily a bad thing, but do have more of the "good" ones and less of the "bad" ones. I feel like you have more land than needed, sub a couple out for some more power/speed cards? Somethin that'll kill an opponent or let you get to your cards faster.

Here's my deck, feel free to check it out and thank you for any comments:

Posted 02 March 2013 at 22:39 as a comment on newbie green-black deck


I'd recommend an Ajani, but be mindful of planeswalkers disadvantages. I love Ranchor, just a sweet card.

I think you could gain a lot from looking at a sliver deck, see what to look out for and what you should correct here to make a more competitive deck.

Here's my deck, feel free to check it out and thank you for any comments:

Posted 02 March 2013 at 22:35 as a comment on Naya Zoo, Modern


Is there anyway to stop Supreme verdict from happening??

Here's my deck, feel free to check it out and thank you for any comments:

Posted 02 March 2013 at 22:31 as a comment on USA Controle


Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:05 as a comment on Freakchild Standard


Need virulent slivers and sub bonesplitter/firewake out for a muscle/sinew... ya need more speed, may a couple Aether Vials

Check this out:

Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:04 as a comment on Slivers Type II


Try to diversify your cards a bit... more sliver variety (you need virulent sliver in there), less land, a few artifacts such as Aether Vial

Check this out:

Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:02 as a comment on Sliver Attack


I think it looks a little slow, some Aether Vials n such would help... BUT PROPS ON THE PRICE

Check this out:

Posted 28 February 2013 at 15:00 as a comment on RBG slivers


For Sure :] Alluren I'm not comfortable with because the opponent also gets the effect... I don't want to worry about that. Picked up 1 Cavern, but they're SO expensive. And, Aether IS awesome, wishin it didn't cost SO much too

Posted 27 February 2013 at 08:04 in reply to #326997 on Persecution by Sliver


Mhm okay, check out the new deck assortment?..

- 1 Ponder , - 1 Winged , - High Priest of Penance , - Plated , - Sidewinder

+ Shifting , + Reflecting Pool, + Wild Pair , + Muscle , + Sinew

Posted 26 February 2013 at 23:11 as a comment on Persecution by Sliver


Definitely appreciate your time, and...

I use to run Shifting, but took them out for Magus of the Moat and Winged Slivers? Is Shifting Sliver really all that good for you? Much better than flying to constitute the 4 mana versus 2.

Also, anther Wild Pair? I'll have to give it another go!

Posted 26 February 2013 at 05:13 as a comment on Persecution by Sliver


For sure, I believe it's part of the beauty of MTG. That is, the fact "not every deck can win every match all the time." I would expand upon the idea and say 'no deck.'

You definitely helped, thank you!
1 Door of Destinies
2 Wheel of Sun and Moon
3 Chromatic Lantern
4 Primal Surge
All are cards I've seen before and will give more though!

I love the idea of Wild Pair, but I can never seem to make it work? Is it not slow for you?

Posted 26 February 2013 at 05:01 as a comment on Persecution by Sliver


Haha well... my journey in this deck comes down to attempting a somewhat consistent win within 6 turnssssss

The noncreature nonland cards are there to slow opponent, stop opponents "big hitters," and to get my creatures (Survival of the Fittest, preferably the right creatures) out FAST. As well as a few creatures on second thought: Magus of the Moat, Fatespinner, Sen Triplets, and Phantasmal Image to some extent.

I had a big problem with mana for quite some time! Thus, made all mana "any color" mana less the Inkmoth Nexus lands because of their flying poisonous capability. This change combined with Aether Vial quickly fixed my mana problem.

90% of the time victories with this deck are with poison counters, although the sliver legion and sinew/muscle slivers do play their role.

If I had to sum up what I want to be answered, it'd be:
1) What do I have to worry about?
2) Need more countering spell cards?
3) Ways to speed it up?
4) Missing any obvious cards that should be in here? Any holes in this deck?
5) Is the necessary power here?
6) ?WorkInProgress?MoreQuestionsToCome?

Also, read through any unknown cards to perhaps gain an understanding of some connections I have installed in this deck... any changes recommended should take these into consideration. Of course, I'll explain anything that is unclear.

Thank you!

Posted 26 February 2013 at 04:07 in reply to #326620 on Persecution by Sliver


Well, I'm thinking swap 2 of the Arbor elves for Copperhorn Scouts. I love the Domri Rade, probably adding that one to my deck, thanks!!

Check mine out, maybe get some more possibilities for your deck and help me with any ideas you have?
Thank you for your time:

Posted 26 February 2013 at 00:05 in reply to #326322 on Crater


I like the Phantasmal Image a lot as well as your deck as a whole, thank you

Posted 25 February 2013 at 16:44 in reply to #326458 on Persecution by Sliver


I like your deck, it has given me a couple ideas for my own. Thank you!

Posted 25 February 2013 at 16:32 as a comment on Legacy Slivers


Holy Day, Aether Vial, Sen Triplets, Inkmoth Nexus, and I would highly recommend haste... Heart Sliver.

Check this out when time permits, thanks:

Posted 25 February 2013 at 06:24 as a comment on Slivers Wave Pair


Work in "vexing devil." It's a great card, but you're arrangement of cards looks like a fun one to play. A large assortment of lands, I like that!

Check this out when time permits, thanks:

Posted 25 February 2013 at 06:18 as a comment on PTQ Modern Deck


See, this kind of deck is great until someone pulls out something that tells you no more targeting my creatures... like Crystalline Sliver for instance. I would somehow try to work in less dependence on targeting if you're going for versatility. However, other than working in a larger variety of cards throughout the deck, I like it a lot and think it would put up a formidable fight!!!

Check this out when time permits, thanks:

Posted 25 February 2013 at 06:13 as a comment on ...WHAT THE HELL!!!


I think you accomplish this "some overall control, removal, and damage dealing" well. One thing I think you may look into is more versatility... a larger variety of cards can be quite helpful when playing a host of opponents with varying deck types.

Check this out when time permits, thanks:

Posted 25 February 2013 at 05:59 as a comment on Grixis Delver (pauper)


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