
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

For the Finks, you're best off using either the cradle you already have or Ajani Goldmane. I suggest adding 1 steel, 1 adept and 2 Ajani in place of your doors.

Posted 14 July 2009 at 09:32 as a comment on Open Kitchen


The Door doesn't work like that, you need a +1/+1 Counter to get rid of the -1/-1 counter, the door only gives +1/+1, not a +1/+1 counter so it doesn't remove the -1/-1 counter so the finks can't persist over again.

No worries =] always glad to help!

BTW, I'm building a modified version of the deck I put in your comments since it works so incredibly well. You'll hopefully see it when it goes up. Thanks for the ideas!

Posted 14 July 2009 at 09:25 as a comment on Open Kitchen


Your combo is excessive. You don't need all that, all you need is the doll and guilty conscience. That's it. It's a 2 card inf dmg combo not a 5 card combo that is easily stopped by destroy enchantments and destroy creature spells. Also you can see this combo coming 3 turns in advance. It's a nice try but you would be better using the en-kors with stuffy to encourage your opponent to not attack while you wait for a guilty conscience.

Posted 10 July 2009 at 14:07 as a comment on execution of futility


Take the 3 sigiled paladins and the 2 Battlemages out for 4 Rhox warmonks and another Rafiq.
Sideboard 2 more Pridemages,
add 4 Cryptic Commands in place of 2 Kiss and 2 Aven Squire
add 2 more Bant Charms in place of 1 Knotvine and 1 Path to Exile
add Filter lands and 1 more Citadel as well as pain lands from 10th.
Add more Islands and Forests and take out some Plains

Blue is Bant's control color which is essential to how bant wins a lot of the time so increase your blue control so your opponent's can't stop your huge creatures.

Posted 10 July 2009 at 13:13 as a comment on Bant's Finest


This is what I built, I've tested it on lackey and I think you'll be impressed. As I haven't actually played it, I don't feel I can put it on this site but I'll let you see my experiment since it was your deck that gave me the idea. Here you go:

4 Augury Adept
4 Steel of the Godhead
4 Cryptic Command
4 Cancel
4 Hindering Light
4 Cradle of Vitality
4 Akrasan Squire
3 Battlegrace Angel
2 Ethercaste Knight
3 Offering to Asha
4 Seaside Citadel
2 Jhessian Balmgiver
2 Sovereigns of Lost Alara

4 Adarkar Wastes
4 Island
4 Plains
4 Mystic Gate

(sorry to clutter your deck comments section)

Posted 09 July 2009 at 23:14 as a comment on Open Kitchen


(One last thing as a side note, if you keep the cradle, which I suggest, imagine how absolutely HUGE the adept can become, of course for that to work it can't have shroud so it will be open to spells unless you use counter magic, which I suggest anyway)

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:26 as a comment on Open Kitchen


Ugg, so many things pop into my head after I post, sorry.

Instead of pathmage, use steel of the godhead since the adept is WU, it will be a 4/4 unblockable lifelinker with THAT ability. That's DEADLY. Give it shroud and you've got yourself an unstoppable win condition.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:25 as a comment on Open Kitchen


In fact, I would try to center the deck around getting the adept/pathmage combo, it's lifegain damage and drawing all in 1, that's deadly. Include counterspells (not necessarily "counterspell" the card, but rather the ability) to protect your deck. Add blue mana so you can actually play the pathmage.

About heartmender, I mentioned using it but scratch that, you're using the cradle which will work fine.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:18 as a comment on Open Kitchen


Unfortunately when the finks persists it doesn't trigger the effect of the door since the door specifies that you must play a spell and persist is a triggered ability. Nice thought though.

Unfortunately this covers the liege as well. The ability will only trigger when you play spells not when a creature persists in.

Add Heartmender, it can get rid of pesky -1/-1 tokens.

I think the real star of this deck is the Adept/Pathmage combo, you may want another one of each.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:13 as a comment on Open Kitchen


WHAT ABOUT ENTOMB?? It's perfect, 1 mana send a creature to the graveyard, then you can bring it back with unearth and put it back in the deck with research and put it back in the graveyard with entomb?

Just another option. (it is restricted though... so sad)

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:08 as a comment on Unearthed Nightmare


So you have a student I see ANON. haha. good.

I like this deck, you and your combos are certainly fun to see. I would assume that having some repeatable search would be extremely handy too. You could use vampiric tutor (you would want to add lifegain) or Worldly tutor, or Eladamri's Call, but then maybe something to find your scepters and such too, it may be too much for the deck. I like the idea of it all together though.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 22:05 as a comment on Unearthed Nightmare


If you have an elder enchanted with freed from the real then when you tap it for GG and convert it to U, you can untap it with the freed from the real and tap your opponent's creature with the other U. Then you repeat except this time you UNtap the opponent's creature. This way the elder keeps untapping as many times as you need it to.
Try to think of the elder tapping and untapping to make a single action happen to the opponent's creature.

It's genius really, I just wish it was a bit faster to get out.

And ANON, Which deck is better really depends on point of view. While I may like my own slightly better, I'm biased and I have an $80 card in it for early game prot, where as you have an inf combo that utilizes the given card. If you like combos and creativity, yours is definitely better. Yours is also more fun for casual, mine is really evil and a pain to your opponents which takes away the fun. Throwing out forcefield is just cruel and you can lose a lot of friends that way. haha.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 21:57 as a comment on Prosperous Accord


Ok, this is your second deck like this. Take it down to 60 cards (or make it EDH).

Include more than 1 copy of each card, as in you have a better chance of drawing a card if there are 4 of them in the deck.

A deck should have a basic strategy and deliver on that strategy consistently and efficiently. (this can only be done with multiple copies of each card.)

Look at some of the other decks on here for more ideas (especially those in the 'top rated' section on the home page)

Posted 09 July 2009 at 18:09 as a comment on Life Swap


this works. Phage's ability is centered around her controller, not the one who played her. Read the card carefully.

Posted 09 July 2009 at 17:04 as a comment on Fun with Phage


Since stuffy is indestructible he can't "die" so if you get one on the board the only way to get rid of it is either unsummon or removal so your raise dead isn't as useful as you think. Maybe only use 1 or 2 (just in case something goes wrong you can search it out).

Posted 06 July 2009 at 14:08 as a comment on stuffy doll unl dmg


so all is legal except the 4 Monoliths, did you mean 4 power artifacts and 1 monolith?

Posted 04 July 2009 at 00:38 as a comment on 5 tinker.dec


unknownhunter763: Piper is completely useless unless you have a way to protect it. Whenever it comes out it has a giant target sign on it's head and being just a 1/1 and non-black it is incredibly easy to kill in many different ways. Basically, it would die the moment you either put it out or the moment you tried to activate it, then you wasted 4 mana.

Justin: Protection is important for planeswalkers too as they can die by simple attack or damage spells or anything of that nature. I can also see how this deck would be pretty slow. Add in other creatures that may be able to keep your opponents at bay early on, Rhys is there but there are only 2.
Braid of fire is useless since the mana will empty at the end of your upkeep and you will take massive mana burn (until m10 comes out). Add lightning bolt to deal with opponent's early creatures too (it's coming back in m10). While dragon fodder isn't a dragon it can help out early in the game and does have "dragon" in the name and makes tokens, that kind of fits your theme. Birds of paradise can help a lot in decks like this. Right now if you make it to turn 5 you'll likely win given you have enough life, if you don't (the more likely case) then it's a loss. Think about ways to speed it up and lower your mana curve.

Posted 04 July 2009 at 00:32 as a comment on Dragon tokens


It's things like this that make Force of Will a $30 card.

I do remember this combo but yeah, essentially all the pieces are restricted, it used to be a lot of fun though.

Posted 02 July 2009 at 12:23 as a comment on First Turn Kill Combo


Watch out for Path to exile. Right now you have no answer for that, or any other remove spell.

Posted 01 July 2009 at 18:54 as a comment on Platinum Lulz


Orim's Chant is the ultimate isochron card.

Posted 01 July 2009 at 18:44 as a comment on hand of god


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