
14 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

why are you splashing red just for fireball? I would turn this into an elf-ball deck (hella elves and ramp, then you fireball for hella damage) running some bellowing tangleworm, cause I agree, that's a fun card. also, run devil's play, basically fireball, gives you more outs. then turn it into something resembling red/green ramp a little, with kessig wolf-run optional. then you could sideboard zealous conscripts. also, maybe 2 or 3x birthing pod just for some more flexibility. there's lots of places you could take a deck built a little around bellowing tanglewurm, I just don't think this is gonna be good enough. aggro decks are gonna be too fast for it, control could shut it down, and the good midrange decks (usually birthing podish) are just gonna be a little stronger.

Posted 29 August 2012 at 17:32 as a comment on Greentimidate


I would run silver inlaid dagger instead of trepanation blade. think about this: you're never going to mill your opponent to death with trep blade, and they could be running something slightly graveyard based. also, the turn 3 trep drop, turn 4 equip vs. like a turn 1 delver, turn 2 ponder, silver inlaid dagger, turn 3 probably flip the delver, swing for 6 in the air, as opposed to swinging for an average of less than 6 (most decks run more than 20 lands, a third of the deck, statistically, slightly less than 6) on turn 4... just faster, and easier. mill is usually a negative thing on your opponent, unless you can do it so much you kill them. there's really no benefit to them having more cards in graveyard unless you have a card that takes advantage of cards in your opponents graveyard, which you don't here.

also, why avoid runechanter's pike? I'd run that even over silver inlaid dagger

Posted 29 August 2012 at 17:25 as a comment on Budget Delver


well I was gonna say money thinking silverblade was still at like $10, but at 4 I could probably do that. of course, the attended knight still get's me 2 pumps on cathar's crusade and/or suture priest... that's basically a sub I made for blade splicer for some rotation friendliness without much sacrifice of performance...

Posted 29 August 2012 at 17:20 as a comment on white midrange infinite combo, rotation friendly


isn't kinda the whole point of the site for people to look at your decks? if you don't want opinions, you don't put "finished deck" down....

Posted 29 August 2012 at 17:17 as a comment on "YOUR DECK HERE"


thought about the mirrodin dual lands?? I think having more of the innistrad/M12 variety is better for a deck that's a little more long play like this, but more mana options never go astray

Posted 01 May 2012 at 16:51 as a comment on Venser Restored


I think nihil spellbomb belongs in the sideboard, it's a waste of a mana (not drawing, cause that's mostly offset by the draw ability), and it's useless unless it's against a deck built around reanimation abilities, and those exist, but they're not very widely played. Great card in a sideboard, but don't main deck it

Posted 07 March 2012 at 02:10 as a comment on not tokin'


I haven't, but that's not standard legal anyways, the rest of the deck is

Posted 29 February 2012 at 20:56 as a comment on Blue White proliferate +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters
