
35 Decks, 491 Comments, 13 Reputation

Nice little mix of cards ya' got here boss. Some Death's Gates & Grave Titan are sure to make anyone a little shaky playin' against this one. Then Royal Assassin & Beastmaster, geeze. This would be a very nasty deck w/ the right draw on cards. Only thing I can recommend to help you pull your creatures out is a couple Deathrender cards, you might like them. But excellent work boss, I give ya' 8.4 Stars on this guy! I'd appreciate a review & rating on one of my decks under my profile as well. Keep up the cool decks man.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 01:34 as a comment on Death Spawn


Ooohh... some niec little combinations of cards ya' got here. This could turn out very interesting & I bet this is a fun deck to play with. The Vivid lands are refreshing, nice group of creeps & Spectral Procession is a nice touch. I like this boss, don't really have too much to say or anything I'd recommend really to add to this deck. Goodjob boss, I give ya' 8.6 Stars on this guy. I'd appreciate a review & rating on one of my decks under my profile as well. But keep up the nice work!

Posted 16 August 2010 at 01:31 as a comment on Sigils a-plenty


Damn, this deck has some nice cards boss. I really like what ya' got here, the Sphinx's are nasty as well as Erasure & some of your spells there. Only thing I'd recommend is putting in a couple Deathrender cards to pull your Sphinx out faster/instantly, etc. as well as other creeps in the deck. Nice work boss, I give ya' 9 stars for this guy! I'd appreciate a review/rating on a deck I have in my profile as well. Thanks again for sharing this deck w/ everyone, good work; keep it up.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 01:29 as a comment on Erasure


I like what you have here boss. This is a good mix of cards, however the only thing I might see slowin' ya' down is a couple of your special lands. Only thing I can think of as a suggestion would be workin' on basic lands to help your speed. It's refreshing to see a deck that's more singles too, makes it more different each game rather than a formula deck. Excellent work boss, I give ya' 8.8 Stars on this guy! I'd appreciate a review/rating on a deck of mine under my profile too.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 01:26 as a comment on grave titan


Hey nice to see ya' again Magic. Another fine deck you've made here. Nice combination of cards & the splash of Blue is refreshing. Ya' never really see that w/ Elves. I would really like playin' against this one, it'd be a fun challenge and the mad Elves would be a tad overwhelming if you had the right draw on cards. The Essence Warden & your mana builders make this devestating. Good work boss, I give this one 9.4 Stars!

Posted 16 August 2010 at 01:24 as a comment on Inifinite elves


This is pretty interesting. I like this one alot & you're right, with the right draw on cards this would be a fun deck off the bat. Pretty good combination of cards & well engineered. I think it'd be a blast to play against personally & see if I could survive your mill strat.

Excellent job boss, I give ya 8.9 Stars! I wouldn't mind a review & rating on one of my deck's under my profile either.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 00:07 as a comment on Mermill


I like this alot. It's solid Red & ithas a Zektar Shrine in it. I like this combo of cards & if you had the right draw of 'em, it'd be pretty fun & pretty nasty. The only thing I see you havin' trouble with would be someone with a massive mono Green deck that has creeps buffed very high, but you have a very-well engineered set of cards here. I love it boss, I give ya' 9 Stars on this guy!

I wouldn't mind a rating & review on one of my decks under my profile.

Posted 16 August 2010 at 00:04 as a comment on Crimson and Cut


Yeah, it would help w/ this particular deck. But I think that what he has here would be pretty fun to play against. I like the animals on White idea, which is nice. Well done boss, I give ya' 7.2 Stars.

I wouldn't mind a rating/review on a deck under my profile. >;P

Posted 16 August 2010 at 00:02 in reply to #80643 on Hawk ftw!


Very, very sexual man. I like this one alot, I'm a big Vamp fan & this is a nice set of cards. Hey, are these actual cards you own, I mean do you have this deck physically? Because it would be fun to play against sometime. You have just the right mix of cards to really be quite Nasty & quite different each time. If I were you, I'd stick w/ plain' vamp cards as much as possible the first match w/ someone & if you're goin best 2 outta' 3, then play the other cards so they're not expectin' it.

Well done boss! I give ya 7.9 Stars! I have a cRaZy 90-card Vamp deck, by all means let me know what you think about it!
Exodus @

Posted 16 August 2010 at 00:00 as a comment on Vampire Demoniacs


I very much like this deck. Scavenger Drake is so nasty & has BIG potential. The only thing that I'd change is removing the Savage Lands since you don't have any green occurances in mana. There's cards that would give you both Black & Green, I can't remember which ones & maybe someone else can help clarify. I undrestand Verdant as a means to thin your decks, but it's only 4x, so you might be better suited just swappin' it for reg. land or replacing Savage Lands with another one to thin your deck so 8x cards would make it work faster.

But the Awakening Zone w/ this perticular set of cards would work nicely. Well done boss, I give ya' 8.8 Stars. I wouldn't mind if ya' picked/rated/reviewed a deck under my profile boss.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:56 as a comment on Green/Black Sacrifice Deck


Very tasty, very tasty indeed. This is a sexual deck man, the combo of cards you have here is a slick little trick & with the right draw on cards, this could be very fun. Merfolk can be fun & brutal & I like what you've done here. Nice combo btw boss, I give ya' 8.9 Stars on this guy! Well done sir.

I wouldn't mind any ratings/writings up on a deck of mine if ya' check out my profile.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:51 as a comment on Merfolk


Nice deck boss. I like it, it could be brutal with the right draw on cards. Only thing I'd really recommend on this guy would be some kinda' global enchantment for your creatures to really drive the point on home. Very well constructed & I give ya' 8.7 Stars boss! Ok, 8.8 because I hardly see anyone use the Warmonger's Chariot.

I'd appreciate feedback on some decks I have too if ya' wanna' check out my profile.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:48 as a comment on The Walls


Nice base of cards boss. I like the idea here. Been seein' alot of "chaos" type decks lately, but this one is a little more unique than ever. Knda' surprised you don't have that "Orb of Chaos" card or whatever it is in this one. But I give ya 8.7 Stars on this guy!

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:43 as a comment on Chaotic Chaos


Minion Reflector.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:40 as a comment on Favorite Deck


I swear... really, really? The cool card art isn't the problem. I just doubt Diminish is your "favorite" card, which is the entire point of this.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:39 in reply to #80051 on Favorite Deck


Very tasty little combo of cards here boss. I like it, it's very "to-the-point" & the cards you have here would work very well together. Kinda' surprised you wouldn't have a Pulse Tracker vamp in here, so incase they do pull cards out it hurts 'em. But excellent job boss! I give ya' 8.3 Stars for this guy.

Mind checkin' out my Discard deck & ratin'/writin' it up?
Dreams of Decay @

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:34 as a comment on Vampire Discard


This is a nice deck with a strong base of cards that leaves it for great potential. I'd change a couple things as well; primarily your land/speed setup. You have way too many special lands that are going to end up slowin' you down in the long run & with a Vampire deck; your goal is speed. I see what you're wanting to get @ with these lands, but trust me, it's a hindernce more than a help. If you still want to maintain the life loss, here's what I would recommend: Take out the "Bojuka Bog," "Crypt of Agadeem" & the "Piranha Marsh," leaving the Leechridden Swamp for constant use life-loss.

Other than that, it seems pretty solid. Excellent effort boss, for now I think I'll give ya' 6.7 Stars. If ya' tweak it out a bit, I'll definately re-rate ya'!

Mind checkin' out & rating/writing up my loco 90 carjeta Vamp deck?
Exodus @

Posted 15 August 2010 at 23:32 as a comment on Vampire deck


Very well constructed now. I rate it @ 9.5 Stars this time, goodjob boss.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 18:49 as a comment on Triskellion Basilisk


The way that this deck works is very nice. Well done boss, I give ya 9.8 Stars on this guy, very nasty combination & well constructed.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 18:46 as a comment on Kool-Aid Cult


This is outstanding work boss. This could cause so much fun that it's wild! The Chaos Orb rule w/ the playment is a nice touch. And this would be insane to play against. Complete 10 Stars for this bad boy; I'd be dying to play against this one hardcore.

Posted 15 August 2010 at 03:19 as a comment on Total Chaos


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