
3 Decks, 8 Comments, 1 Reputation

You bring up an excellent point, and I have considered it. The cards here only represent ones I actually own, though. If I had some fetch lands, you had better believe they and a couple Archive Traps would be going in here.

Posted 19 February 2013 at 01:42 in reply to #323573 on millndrill


Gryffs are weeeeeird lookin'.


But I like this deck!

Posted 13 February 2013 at 07:46 as a comment on Cycled Detention


Thanks for the suggestions! Mind Grind is a cool card, but certainly less efficient than Mind Funeral (the names say it all). I think you might have missed that Brain Freeze can be imprinted on Isochron Scepter and used during my opponents' turns. It presents a serious threat for decks that ramp early, as it storms off of their spells too. It's like a much more efficient Grindstone, even when it doesn't storm.

Posted 12 February 2013 at 18:39 in reply to #323196 on millndrill


Ensnaring Bridge wants fewer cards in hand, rather than more. I appreciate the suggestion, though! Thanks for taking the time to look it over and add some feedback.

Posted 12 February 2013 at 18:34 in reply to #323265 on millndrill


Gotta love detain. Where do you usually encode Hands?

Posted 12 February 2013 at 05:40 as a comment on U/W Lock Down (standard)


Thanks @blakester! I keep toying with moving a couple Twincasts out for more draw, but they can do so much damage with either Glimpse the Unthinkable or Mind Funeral.

Posted 12 February 2013 at 05:30 in reply to #323179 on millndrill
