
3 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Yea. You're probably right on all aspects, but to be honest. The deck in itself was designed for a late game scenario. Also, not too sure where you're seeing single cards. (as in I'm to assume non-combo cards). Mine, Mine, Mine in itself qualifies as a combo by itself and every single on of my cards (minus titania's boon...) Soul's Majesty for coat of arms and number of elves, or even just a strong 3/3 elf. Tribal Unity in case I don't GET coat of arms. Whirlwind against flying as my opponents (in my area) Throw them out EVERY GAME. Bequeathal and Venom go with taunting elf. I could honestly go on. I should mention this is pretty much a BLACK HATE deck.... but I'll see if I can trim this sucker down, I did cry a little when i saw 121 cards. (Apologies for wall of text)

Posted 19 March 2010 at 08:22 in reply to #57530 on Elves are strong
