
19 Decks, 8 Comments, 2 Reputation

Amazing Deck. I've played against this deck personally and I must say; Either I'm lucky enough to have a roughly 50% win rate... or this deck makes me throw the one I was using on hiatus out of frustration. This is a Coupe De Grace of burn decks, though I seriously recommend Chandra Ablaze or Chandra Nalaar to help a little more in situations where the game is forced into Mid or Late game. Otherwise; Scary man, scary.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 01:29 as a comment on By Fire be Purged!


Thank you for the comment; Endless Horizons does seem like a pretty solid fit. I'll certainly look into getting a few and testing it out. I just had ordered four Inviolability's to maybe replace the Coat of Arms, but I haven't gotten the chance to test them either. Coat of Arms is a little too situation I think, so I am looking to fill the spot.

Posted 03 August 2013 at 19:58 in reply to #385803 on Foxtrot (T1)*


Added Three Mana Echoes (thanks for that by the way, never seen that card before) as well as two Chromatic Lanterns. From the test hands I've ran Mana control doesn't seem to be a major concern, but the Chromatic may correct an otherwise unlucky game. Thanks for the comment, it's very much appreciated.

Posted 15 June 2013 at 07:09 in reply to #366475 on Sliver to the Flo'(T1)(Hiatus)


Golgari Guildgate would be a better option, like NBonezM said, it's a waste of deck space to have a card you can't utilize.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 21:26 in reply to #366296 on Aggro + Murder


You certainly have an early game present, overall it seems to be a very solid deck.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 21:00 in reply to #366299 on DON'T KILL ME


Little late on the response, but the Essence Harvest was just recently added to this deck. They really fine tuned the deck and their ability to play off of pumping up a shade (instead of requiring me to pump up the spell directly) really proved to be the finishing touch on this deck. The Mark of the Vampire is a great card as well, though at this point, adding new cards is more of a sacrifice then a benefit. Thank you for the comment though, it really proved helpful.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 20:49 in reply to #293109 on Shades of Darkness (T1)*


Seems like this would very a very frustrating deck to have to play against. With how expensive some of the mana costs are, you might want to consider two more Dark Rituals and maybe some Cabal Coffers to turn your late game into your mid game.

Also, more of curiosity then something to change, doesn't Mortivore fall off once the deck gets off the ground? Seems like the dependency on cards being in graveyards is counter productive to the decks ability to take creatures out of graveyards.

Other then Mana Cost, this deck looks pretty entertaining to have. I'd be very curious to see how it handles various opponents.

Posted 14 June 2013 at 20:45 as a comment on DON'T KILL ME
