
0 Decks, 364 Comments, 44 Reputation

Cool. More aggressive than usual. Is that amount of removal enough? Also, day of judgement being replaced by phyrexian rebirth makes it much harder to cast. Is that working for you?

Posted 21 October 2011 at 02:48 as a comment on Another Solar Flare


With past in flames, are there any red mana accel cards in standard right now? Like a seething song-type of thing? That might be cool.
If you're going for burning vengeance, then 4x snappy and 4x past in flames would be good if you could.
I like more mana leak in favor of Traitorous blood. But i'm a blue player, what do I know.
Cool deck, I like it!

Posted 20 October 2011 at 22:43 as a comment on Wash of Inferno!(help)


Good deck. How about Divine Reckoning? You can keep your titan alive. 4x Snapcaster is probably a good idea, too. Could you check out mine?

Posted 20 October 2011 at 22:18 as a comment on (6th build) solar flare


Hi, nice deck. I don't have any suggestions, it looks pretty good. I would recommend some shadowmoor cards. but...

You commented on a standard control deck I have. I have made some changes. Could you look at it again? Thanks

Posted 20 October 2011 at 22:15 as a comment on Green White... Again...


It is a bit expensive but the deck is described as "way too slow burn."
Hey, it's casual. My favorite type of playing.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 02:03 in reply to #208255 on Red Combo Burn


Sorry, don't understand combo. Wouldn't Repercussion just damage you when you hit spitemare?
Spitemare, Repercussion, Pariah is an infinite combo. That's the white splash he was talking about, I think.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 00:51 as a comment on Red Combo Burn


Soltari Trooper?
Cool deck. Been thinking about making a similar deck for casual play.

Posted 20 October 2011 at 00:16 as a comment on Shadow


Actually, I think you can decide which order tokens come into play in that case. One of my friends used ghostway in an allies deck, and we looked through the rules and he could decide.
I think it works the same way for you, and that Doubling Season / Followed Footsteps would work, and create infinite at once. And you'd need a lot of money for all of those Doubling Seasons, too.
While I type this, my mind is exploding because of the sheer amount of golems. By the way, those golem tokens alone would weigh 3.77789319x10 to the 20 pounds.
SavageTheCabbage and SavajCabbaj... Confused. 2 accounts?

Posted 19 October 2011 at 20:44 in reply to #207679 on The Most Absurd Deck Ever


You might know this, but lots of solar flare and ub or uw control decks now are running snapcaster mage and a titan or two. Usually, with suntitan recurring a snapcaster, and forbidden alchemy getting card draw and cards in your graveyard. It's an awesome strategy if you want to try it out. Unfortunately, snappys are going for $30.
I've got a deck like that, if you want to see.
Please comment. Thanks.

Posted 18 October 2011 at 22:56 as a comment on Black and Blue Standard control


Yeah, and they certainly fit that "epic" thing that white has in its slice of pie. They give of the same vibe as cards like WoG. It's great.

Posted 15 October 2011 at 15:20 in reply to #206938 on In excelsis Deo


Biblical angels, Arabic angels, and some Byzantine mosaic angels traditionally had 6 wings and quite a few eyes. The seraphim from revelation are beyond description.... They're covered in eyes and are shaped like different animals with lots of wings, etc.
Archons is just a greek word for king, but Wizards wanted a cool creature type, so that was that. Anyway...

Posted 14 October 2011 at 02:44 as a comment on In excelsis Deo


By the way, could someone check out my deck?

Posted 07 October 2011 at 22:28 in reply to #205299 on Liliana's Zombies Horde


Jace's archivist with a caress, a megrim, or a bloodchief ascension out, from personal experience, kills very quickly. If you can add something to get hand total high, and then hit it, you can do 40-50 damage a turn. In multi, that's to each player, too.
I've got a deck like this, and I'm glad you're on the upcoming list. The archivist is awesome.

Posted 07 October 2011 at 21:44 as a comment on Liliana's Zombies Horde


Nice deck. With snapcaster, you can afford to reduce the number of cards per slot and add more variety of spells. You also might want more self mill, or at least 4 forbidden alchemy.
I have a similar deck. Could you look at it?

Posted 07 October 2011 at 21:36 as a comment on Snap-Daddy Flare


Good deck. I would suggest more proliferate with all of the walkers, and less think twice if you already have snapcaster. Maybe Sun Titan, too.
Could you look at my deck?

Posted 06 October 2011 at 22:34 as a comment on Inn standard WUB control


Looks good! Not sure you need that much removal, what with the snapcasters. Could you check out my deck?

Posted 06 October 2011 at 22:30 as a comment on U/B Control Post Rotation


Great deck. Made my own version:

Posted 06 October 2011 at 22:19 as a comment on The New White-Blue


This is for modern, right? Because if not, Goblin Warchief is at least as good as the chieftain.

Posted 06 October 2011 at 00:59 as a comment on Goblins v1.0 (Help a newbie, critique please)


Yeah, Ophidian's Eye is a bad reprint of Curiosity. It's not like you're going to surprise them with the Niv combo.
As for untapping, Pemmin's Aura, Freed from the Real.

Posted 06 October 2011 at 00:55 in reply to #175813 on Niv-Mizzet, the Fire Bender!


Oh, oust. If you're going to do that, why not do Condemn instead. Instant Speed.
I would say Swords to Plowshares if you have it, but it is hard to get your hands on a few of those.
Condemn is only attacking creatures, though, so all that matters is when you need to use that removal.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 19:16 in reply to #201265 on What's This?


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