
10 Decks, 59 Comments, 34 Reputation

Well W/B mill isnt as fast as U/B but its much easier to control the opponent with white and blue.In my mill deck i actually use the good ol millstones and some blue mill spells with flashback and damn it goes fast when it starts.
Just sit back relax control the situation and yeah WIN!!!

Posted 11 June 2013 at 14:00 in reply to #362605 on Mill!


I have read the review and i totally believe that. I have never lost with it in my group and its a menace to play with and against.Check out my other decks, some are bs like shuffle truffle but the others is very competative like this one. Its not the cards that make good players but the person who plays them:-)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 13:24 in reply to #364371 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Oh that was almost looking at my own deck. Jeez.Besides a couple of lands its the same deck.Hm maybe ill delete this one so i dont have to hear that i copied her deck all the time:-)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 13:06 in reply to #364371 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Will def check it out. Hm maybe ill get sued for a copy i wasnt aware of:-)
By the other hand Melissa probably got more money than me so maybe ill sue.

Posted 11 June 2013 at 13:01 in reply to #364371 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Ahhh i just love pox. Its the ultimat screw you card and combined with some newcomers youre ready to rock.
Building something like this myself but i need The tabernacle and some other small cards.
Heheh miss the time wasteland was something you just put in a trade to even up some dollars in difference.

Posted 11 June 2013 at 11:07 in reply to #364649 on Occidere omnes


Yeah no prob. I struggle with this everytime i make a deck cause suddenly one card takes it to a different division:-)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 11:00 in reply to #364665 on Fook You!!!


Well i dont want this deck to be just vintage because of one card:-)
Other than that it would be POWAH!!!

Posted 11 June 2013 at 10:46 in reply to #364665 on Fook You!!!


Yeah ok. How does your win curve look with this deck? And what kind of decks have you played against?

Posted 11 June 2013 at 09:09 in reply to #364207 on White-Blue Control (Standart)


Have you thought about running white blue instead?
White has better defence and more creature and artifact removal.
Run 3 of supreme verdict, disenchant, swords etc.I will post a mill in some days now and it is pretty nasty.
I dont mean you to copy it but it helps to see other peoples ideas to get some new youself right:-)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 09:05 in reply to #362605 on Mill!


Hm smells like supreme verdict:-)
Would it be an idea to put in one or two of kessig wolf run too for trample effect?

Posted 11 June 2013 at 08:32 in reply to #364207 on White-Blue Control (Standart)


Thank you very much. Took out one Dissipate for another Syncopate btw. Better for early game removal.

Posted 11 June 2013 at 08:29 in reply to #364318 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Ah who made it and where? Theres a lot of Bant decks out there and i would just hate it if this is something similar.
But then again its hard to come up with something totally new when the concept is so alike so much else out there you know:-)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 08:28 in reply to #364371 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


It just dont fit here. Maybe for sideboard but not in the main deck.
Btw what would you replace?

Posted 11 June 2013 at 08:25 in reply to #364352 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Hehehehh no dude i know its very beatable, but its hard to beat it thats all.Sometimes you just have to name your deck something uberweird to get comments:-)
Would love to see you build an opposite to this.

Posted 11 June 2013 at 08:19 in reply to #364316 on Beat This Bant Motherbiatch


Hm something im missing or is this some total chaos without meaning?

Posted 10 June 2013 at 18:55 as a comment on high power creature


Well the effect is pretty lost without any kill elements other than a first strike angel.If i kill your angels what is left of your deck?
This looks life half done bant. Thragtusk missing. Kessig wolf run gives the creatures trample instead.
Do you use the angels to blink Augur and snappy here?

Posted 10 June 2013 at 14:20 as a comment on White-Blue Control (Standart)


Nah didnt work out so well. MMMM Vexing Devils out, check. Steppe lynx out, check. More beasts in plus defence of the heart. Starting to get cruel here.

Posted 10 June 2013 at 11:28 in reply to #359827 on And before me blooms a rose...


The mana cost here is too high.You dont need 4 paralells or doubling season. Get some mana creatures like elves or birds plus cut down on all the high casting costs.Put in some lands that can fetch your forests like evolving wilds for example if you cant afford the pain fetches.Just to slinker down your deck so you get what you need faster.I would cut down to two elvish pipers and rather get some wordly tutors so you can fetch the creatures you need instead of 4 of everything.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 14:56 as a comment on Insane Creatures & Tokens


Hm when i look at the mana base it seems pretty slow moving.If you can afford fetchlands and shocklands that would fix a lot here.
Regarding the rest of the deck i havent looked into it, but do you plan to hardcast all of your creatues or do you have a way of putting them into play otherwise?If your affraid of someone destroying your lands put in some syncopates that would do the trick.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 14:25 as a comment on Mana Mastery (Tweak)


Hm what can i say about this. Black and blue mills have always been more aggressive than white/blue mills. But with the black you loose the control part.As i can see you will end up to top draw after a short while and that you dont want.I would suggest 4 of propaganda to stall your opponent if hes got a heavy creature deck.Archive trap for all the deck searching nowadays.I would rather play a very defensive deck without creatures and more control.For example evacuation.Or take it as far as counter/discard. If you play a few permanents with the milling ability as for example grindstone and just sit back and control your opponent instead of trying to damage him.Takes a little more time yes but in the long run much more effective.

Posted 05 June 2013 at 11:25 as a comment on First Mill Deck


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