
91 Decks, 4 Comments, 0 Reputation


So you want Demonic rising to work right i assume.
So here what i think could make the deck have personality and such

You need cards from the set Demonic Rising is from Avacyn Restored
You could run things that exile creatures
You could run things that blink your own creatures,Soul bond stuff maybe?
Mainly Silverblade Paladin is sick if you have a 5/5 demon with double strike!!!!
I think that could give you an idea

Posted 22 August 2015 at 16:03 as a comment on The Second Demonic Rising


Well i the baleful strix thats for sure!
I mainly did not include because that card is really good all by itself
I like the specter also BUT i really dont think i need discard? i dunno yet
The nevermarker is cool in all BUT i still like the rats. They be chittering!
And shirekmaw is GOOD yes. manily because it can be done soo soon in the game. BUT Skinrender will kill anything that i can target slowly. Like turn 5 play him and then blink him that same turn.

Posted 23 February 2015 at 04:13 in reply to #537739 on Walk The Void


I totally agree with the "Prophet of Kruphix". Its more versatile than a straight Training grounds. Also i can swing all in every time!

Posted 16 February 2015 at 17:45 in reply to #536165 on Blue counter all


Well I tell ya what. I sure could not pay for all them enchantment costs!

Posted 16 January 2015 at 02:20 as a comment on Can you even afford to attack?
