
37 Decks, 125 Comments, 27 Reputation

indeed, the ramp isn't too bad. My worry was that other than the experiments you didn't have one drops that could help you make it to turn three alive, when you can finally start dropping better things. Maybe a 2 drop, or adding two more druid's deliverance, or maybe fog.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 20:13 in reply to #341056 on Ooze Bane


Is it in standard? I would love to run it if it is. I'll do some digging, thanks! Yeah, it's an old edition. Fun card though!

Posted 12 April 2013 at 22:33 in reply to #340833 on Ooze Bane


Altered the deck to what I currently have it at. It's one of these decks that kills in 5-6 turns or you probably end up loosing. But it pack a serious punch when the cards come together.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 22:07 as a comment on Defiant Quirion Dryad


Yes, I was thinking of bioshifts in there instead of the Ooze Flux enchantments. It's a bit of a toss up, one gives you more creatures, while the other allows you to beef up a creature on the fly, or move tokens from a doomed creature. My thought was to try and go for Ooze production and getting more of them out there and then overrunning the opposition with Biomass Mutation. Maybe Biomass Mutation isn't the best idea, and I should focus more on shifting things around to your point.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 21:46 in reply to #340821 on Ooze Bane


I approve! Love it. I know it's not a werewolf, but Wolfir Silverheart feels like a good addition here.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 21:20 as a comment on Attack of the werewolf's


Thanks for the Comment!
Yes, I was trying to make this almost entirely themed as Ooze. I had to throw in the Arbor Elves for a little mana acceleration, but was trying to stay away from including other creature types.

If I wasn't going for primarily Oozes, I would totally include Master Biomancer and Hydra's in there.

Posted 12 April 2013 at 21:16 in reply to #340815 on Ooze Bane


3 Archon is a little excessive. I would consider adding more Dungeon Geists or Lyev Skyknights. Also I would replace the tablet of guilds with conjuror's closets. The closets allow you to bounce your detain creatures and detain more every turn for free. Righteous Authority isn't all that great. I would put in more detention spheres or oblivion rings instead. The Azor Elocutor is something you build a deck around if you want to win by Filibuster Tokens. I would remove it in favor of more creatures. The Skymark Rocks are nice since they unsummon on attack. Finally consider adding sleeps in the deck. Sleep gives you two turns to swing and kill if you can.

Posted 09 April 2013 at 15:22 as a comment on super awesome detain deck


Here is the version I was going with for Biovisionary.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 23:07 as a comment on Biovisionary Strat-a-derp


I'm not sure you would survive the initial onslaught of an aggro deck. Maybe instead of the elixirs and Jaces or maybe keep two of each and put 4 cyclonic rifts. The combo is fun though.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 22:29 as a comment on Biovisionary Strat-a-derp


Instead of Dramatic rescue consider putting in cloudshift, which costs only 1 and bounces the creature so you don't have to pay the casting cost again. And instead of eyes in the sky I would put in rootborn defense. This way you can multiblock and keep your creatures alive. I like it thought. Cheap, simple, fun.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 22:22 as a comment on Birdhouse


I like the vexing devils, but you do need some sort of board wipe to address aggro decks rather than the cheap creatures. Maybe Mutilate instead of the blustersqualls. Thoughts?

Posted 08 April 2013 at 21:56 as a comment on Seer Control


Yeah, I had thought about it. It's kind of a choice between Sphinx's Revelation and Supreme Verdict (unless I take out killing glare and leave the verdicts in). I guess I should definitely sideboard them at the very least. I'll check out your version for sure.

Posted 08 April 2013 at 21:54 in reply to #339253 on Seered to Death


You might want to consider adding Rhox Faithmender so you gain double the life every time you gain life which will allow the chalices to proc more quickly.

Posted 07 April 2013 at 21:46 as a comment on Life Leech


switched in the Favorable winds for Supreme Verdict so as to have a board wipe in place to deal with Aggro decks.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 17:28 as a comment on Seered to Death


Thanks for the feedback. I can see your point very well about dealing with aggro decks. I'm not sure there is a good way to accelerate this deck so I am going to assume my best bet is to go for board wipes. There are a few options for board removal spells. What would you suggest?

Posted 05 April 2013 at 17:24 in reply to #338796 on Seered to Death


Shuffled a few things around. Thanks for the feedback so far.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 16:55 as a comment on Seered to Death


The unsummons are there to bounce them back if things get hot, but you are right that adding negates or mizzium skin might not be a bad idea.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 16:48 in reply to #338789 on Seered to Death


Glad you like it! I always wondered how I could build something with the Seer since he was the first Gatecrash mythic I got. This seemed like a nice way to honor that.

Posted 05 April 2013 at 16:41 as a comment on Seered to Death


That is utterly evil and I love it! Seems hard to pull off, but it you do, oh my!

Posted 05 April 2013 at 15:44 as a comment on Worldfire Exile


I had thought of adding the Electromancers, what would you remove to put them in?

Posted 05 April 2013 at 15:37 in reply to #338752 on I Curse Thee!


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