
37 Decks, 125 Comments, 27 Reputation

What about switching in the Rogues for Elusive Krasis, remove the artifacts, put two more blessings of nature, and put in three Bioshifts in there instead. This way you can move the tokens around if you need to. I like the idea though, it's a nice cheap effective deck.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 21:31 as a comment on The unblockables


Three Wild Defiance you mean? Yeah, I debated whether it was worth putting the pikes in since a lot of the spells end up being exiled due to flashback. I might switch to 4 Wild Defiances to make sure I get one out ASAP.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 21:24 in reply to #338418 on Defiant Quirion Dryad


Wild Defiance can be terrifying with the Dryad. Imagine it and a Dryad in play. Simic Charm + Artful Dodge provides you for 3 mana a 12 point swing, and heaven forbid you have one more blue mana, you could add another 4 damage by flashing back the artful dodge. If all goes well, you can get a turn 4 kill.

1. Delver of Secrets
2. Dryad
3. Wild Defiance
4. Simic Charm + Artful Dodge Flashbacked

Assuming you flipped the Delver, you get a kill on turn 4.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 23:23 in reply to #338356 on Defiant Quirion Dryad


How about adding in cyclonic rift on the side board. It's a nice potential board wipe that can clear your opponents side if it gets out of control.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 17:50 as a comment on Simic Delver


I'm not sure the infusion of red is really necessary. I would focus primarily on Blue and Green. I would include artful dodge to make your dryads unblockable and beefy. Instead of the Ranger's Guile, I would use Mizzium Skin which will permanently bump up the dryads while making them hexproof for a turn. And I would replace the giant/titanic growths with simic charms, and add in think twice for card draw/dryad food. For removal, put in a few Rapid Hybridizations and Pit Fights, both of which will pump up your dryad. I plan on building a deck very similar to that using the cards I just mentioned.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 16:57 as a comment on Simic Delver


True that Thought Scour could be a nice addition as it casts a spell and gets me another card. I am not sure what the best thing to replace would be as I like sticking to 60 cards so as to make sure I get my creatures out. I have thought of using Spider's Grasp as another instant in order to be able to block incoming fliers on the rebound, but the casting cost is a little higher than I had hoped and it doesn't give me an additional card like Thought Scour would. Hmm.... food for thought. Thanks for the feedback though.

Posted 30 March 2013 at 22:11 as a comment on Weird Quirion Tandem


I've seen a few versions of this deck and have had a friend play one with Burning Tree Emmissaries and Undercity Informers which creates infinite mana and thus infinite mill as a result. He's been able to do turn 4 wins with it quite frequently.

Make sure you sideboard stuff that allows you to remove artifacts and/or enchantments or a rest in peace would shut you down. Best card for that is Abrupt Decay. It might even be worth having a couple in your main deck.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:59 as a comment on Human Reanimator


Not problem!
Here is my mill deck, which seems to work quite well in Standard.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:55 in reply to #336943 on Memory Loss


I built a deck that has almost all of the same creatures that you have and some of the spells, but I mainly focus on stealing the opponent's creatures and then sacrificing them before they can return to the opponent.

I like where you are going, but the problem is that Grave Betrayal will come in very late in the game and until then you've had to kill his creatures without gaining the benefit of the enchantment. I would consider, therefore working on figuring out what to do about the early game. Maybe ditch the Skirsdag Cultists and focus on cheap deathtouch creatures such as Thrill-Kill Assassin or Typhoid Rats. Then replace the Disciple of Grislebrand with Vampire Nighthawks.

Bottom Line is you don't really need the sacrificial outlets, you simply have to kill his creatures and have them return beefed up under your control. That and more black creatures with deathtouch, means more chance for your Skirsdag High Priests to proc and get you 5/5 flying demons in play.

Good luck!

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:52 as a comment on Endless Betrayal (Help Plz)


I would consider putting dream twist in instead of the Psychic Spirals, and 4 Rapid Hybridizations instead of Memory erosion so you have some removal, and I would consider replacing the Selhoff Occultist with Fog Banks. This way you have some ability to defend yourself while you mill. Then I might consider putting in 2 Trepanation Blades in instead of 2 Dread Waters. With your fliers you will do even more milling.

Last but not least, you need to sideboard some stuff to block re-animator decks. Milling a re-animator deck is playing into their hand, so you have to have a strategy for shutting down their graveyard.

Mill decks are super tough to achieve, but they can be a lot of fun to play. Good luck!

Posted 29 March 2013 at 20:26 as a comment on Memory Loss


Instead of the Serra Avenger I would consider putting Angel of Jubilations. They can come out on turn 4 also and will boost all other creatures already in play. I like Defy Death, since you have a lot of angels which could benefit from coming back beefed up. Possible side board item.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 04:46 as a comment on Angels


Why the Aristocrats? Why not instead put Thraben Doomsayer. 3 mana for a human token generator. and if you are low on life, your creatures get a nice +2/+2 boost.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 04:24 as a comment on orzhov tokens


I would ditch the 4 Stromkirk Noble for Skirsdag High Priest, ditch the 4 Nearheath Pilgrims for Cartel Aristocrats, and replace the Ash Zealot and Hellriders and one Boros Charm for 4 Lingering Souls. This way you have more sacrificial outlets and can use the Skirsdag Priest with sacrifice to summon 5/5 flying demons. I played against a deck using those and it was pretty devastating.

Posted 29 March 2013 at 01:32 as a comment on RWB Midrange Stuff


I don't know that Conjurer's Closet would give me permanent control. Somehow I doubt it. I've never been Gruul Chamred, but there is a first time for everything.

Slayus, I wholeheartedly agree about Bonfire. It's just a very expensive card, and I am cheap, but I would totally go for it.

Cruncher, Grafdigger's Cage would be a must for re-animator decks, I agree.

Posted 25 March 2013 at 23:09 as a comment on Sacrificial Traitors


I've thought of splashing green in there. I can only imagine rancor and titanic growth on the Weird. I think if I decided to go that route, I would literally go for Blue/Green instead of Blue/Red/Green. I could then focus entirely on getting the Weirds out and then pump them up with green instants and sorceries. I might just see about building a deck like that..... :)

Posted 22 March 2013 at 19:51 as a comment on Guttersnipe Tandem


Cruncher, I like the direction you took this. Especially the Dual Casting/Curiosity Combo. My only worry about that is that it's a lot of cards to pile on one creature, and it would take one card to take out three. Still, it is really interesting!

So I had another thought. The Weirds are nice, but they don't usually contribute that much to the damage output unless i have a good way of removing the opponent's creatures or I have an artful dodge and can pile on instants and sorceries. So I'm tempted to get rid of the Hands of Binding, and the Weirds and simply put 4 Faithless Lootings and 4 Negates. Basically work really hard at finding a Guttersnipe and then play it and start to pile on damage with flashbacked cheap spells. It's kind of an all in strategy that probably would be terrible against an aggro deck, but it just sounds like fun.

I have another Guttersnipe deck that is a little less all in here that I built a while back here:

Posted 22 March 2013 at 19:23 as a comment on Guttersnipe Tandem


I like what you have there. I do wonder about the Weirds though. Even in my deck I am not 100% convinced that they are the best solution. I do like the idea of using Nivmagus and adding Runic Repetition to the deck. This way I get perma counters on the creatures and can get the spells back with Runic Repetition.

Posted 22 March 2013 at 16:22 in reply to #334171 on Guttersnipe Tandem


Good catch Cruncher on the "combat damage". Oh well, the other suggestions are great . The only thing about Nivmagus is that you have to exile the spells.

Posted 22 March 2013 at 16:02 as a comment on Guttersnipe Tandem


I put hands of binding there because if I put it on a guttersnipe the hands of binding would trigger every time I cast a sorcery or instant and generate double the guttersnipe damage plus sleep a creature.

Posted 21 March 2013 at 22:13 as a comment on Guttersnipe Tandem


Remove Syndic of Tithe and add Increasing Devotion. You get 5 humans for 5 mana and then flashback for 10 humans. I like the rest, very good.

Posted 21 March 2013 at 20:28 as a comment on BW Human Demon Sacrifice 2.0


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