i did not know that but hell i saw a deck on here with like a shit ton of ravenous rats....just out of curiosity why is ponder restricted like that?
if i were u i would lose the Oboro, Palace in the Clouds kind of seems like a filler....sideboard the archive trap because im sure u will find that card in your hand alot but really no call for it unless u can trick your opponent to search his library, id bring yourself down to 2 traumatize its not really a card u want in your hand all the time its expensive and the further into the game u get the less its going to mill for. i would remove the countersqualls and doomblades and trade them in for counterspell, counters anything for two blue, ur gonna lose the 2 damage but u shouldnt need that in a mill deck....id try to build around the grindestone and the painters servant if u can get both of those out especially against a mono color deck thats an infinite mill right there... i hope i helped a little bit im still fairly new at magic so theres probably way better advice out there.
how about memory erosion? that aught to make your opponent think twice before casting spells