
208 Decks, 129 Comments, 28 Reputation

ohh a boros deck I've been working on something like this and that Immolating soul eater gave me and idea with this common W 1/1 card called CHildren of Korlis. Basically You pay 18 life and then sac the Children to gain it all back and you swing for big damage or so. hahaaha. Cool deck again. I think i'll try another red and white deck as well. Im really starting to like red and and white again together. Saving up for my plateaus... or i might trade my badlands in for red/white.

Posted 18 July 2011 at 13:05 as a comment on Boros Metalcraft


arbiter huh? imma check that out thanks bro. Love your new decks. We should come up with an angel deck one day haha

Posted 18 July 2011 at 13:01 in reply to #182087 on White Enchantment Mutiplayer


nice work my friend. I played draft the other night and i've found angelic destiny to be amazing. I might make a non- standard / vintage enchament deck for fun with aura of silences and ghostly prisons hahaha.

Posted 18 July 2011 at 05:36 as a comment on Mono White Enchantment


Ahh thanks for explaining stompy. Do you have any examples of white stompy?

Posted 11 July 2011 at 06:46 in reply to #179516 on Stompy 101


Id thought about that but some opponents dont use creatures. I think the baneslayers are more effective. Id put them in the adomintion angel slot but admonition angels are more useful for removal. The orim's chants also buy me the time i need.

Posted 27 April 2011 at 01:59 in reply to #157148 on Mono White Angel Deck


I like this deck alot. the mechanics of bouncing work well. I might make a modified version of it without type contrictions. very cool indeed.

Posted 26 April 2011 at 17:16 as a comment on All Together Now!


vintage it is not banned. But its a casual decks anything goes.

Posted 26 April 2011 at 17:07 in reply to #156676 on Mono White Angel Deck


thanks. Its an all angel creature deck. Its for fun and not any specific type. It would only be allowed in vintage type actually. Ajani is there as a secondary target / life gain mechanice. His second ability works well with the tolkens made by emeria angels I've noticed.

Posted 26 April 2011 at 17:05 in reply to #156784 on Mono White Angel Deck


you could also put in some path to exile cards .

Posted 19 April 2011 at 08:39 as a comment on Vengeance From Above


You should rename this deck, the politicians.

Posted 19 April 2011 at 08:11 as a comment on THE UNBEATABLE!!


lolwut? great wall of text crits you for OVER 9,00000000000000000000000000

Posted 19 April 2011 at 07:59 in reply to #154773 on Mono White Angel Deck


They dont work as well in this deck for mana generation. the reduction balances out late game, but for my day of judgment, isochron, nevin's disk etc, the incubators do nothing for. Icubators wold do great if i didn't have other cards to play and weren't so artifact heavy.

Posted 18 April 2011 at 23:32 in reply to #154690 on Mono White Angel Deck


Rock paper, scissors.

That being said, it is not the best white mono deck, It is a fun ANGEL ONLY deck. As far as angel decks for mono white color i think its good. Are there better? sure, have i've seen any of them on here? not yet. You should remember that I'm judging it based on other angel decks. Would I take this to a tournament, no way. Part of the challenge and fun was the restriction of using angels as the only creature type.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 06:17 as a comment on Mono White Angel Deck


lol nice bro. God's chosen goes well with god's army.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 03:57 as a comment on God's Chosen


I've thought about putting that on a stick, but I'd have to get rid of scroll rack for that slot and even then I'd probably get another stick to put it on, taking out my elixir. I dont particularly need disenchants because I've got the o-rings and the adomonition angels for that kind of work. Most of the 1x cards in here are for the offbeat disruption and stalling while I gain time for the big drops.

One example is blowing the dawn charm on a goblin rush early on like turn 3 or 4 to hold myself from getting into low health. Or blowing the chant to have someone lose a turn while i gain momentum. I can honestly say i've won casual games just by one turn. I fare better with O-rings, though with the new artifact blocks I think i might just grab one or two disenchants or that sorcery spell that removes artifacts.

Posted 17 April 2011 at 03:53 as a comment on Mono White Angel Deck


I think this was close to another variant of mine and I see what you did with the spells. I like the 2nd isochron so you have a better chance to draw and put dawn / swords/ path on it. I've been toying with that path to exile my own tolkens idea for months, glad to see you put that in here. I'd maybe take out one of the swords and put in another path to increase drawing. Good call on the Rishadan too, though Its a fine balance to walk between white mana producing lands and colorless. Let me know how the mana draw is in your games. In the games i play , I'm usually milled and burnt to death, its probably why i still play with ajani and the elixir .

Posted 17 April 2011 at 03:31 as a comment on God's Army


You should probably take out on razia and put in akroma angel of fury. The reason is because you can play her face down for morph cost and get her killed fast and then resurrect her easily. also the land might be a issue since its only 18 lands. I'd get maybe up to 20 atleast with this kind of deck. You could also grab some legendary lands like urborg, and a few others. also grab maybe one or two man lands for extra balance.

g/l !

Posted 16 April 2011 at 06:27 as a comment on Angel Reanimator


interesting. change some of the plains for emeria sky ruins, karakas and flag stones of trokair. add in a land tax too if your not playing a particular type of format.

I make angel decks for fun

that angel deck has a tutorial and maybe will give you an idea of what kinda lands and spells to put in your deck.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 01:19 as a comment on Angelic Strike


get some mana ramp drop the avengers and put in exalted angels.

also get path to exile and wrath of god if your not playing a type of format.

Heres a good idea for an angel deck if your going vintage

it has a tutorial in it on how to use the cards.

Posted 16 April 2011 at 00:20 as a comment on Angelic Assault


Ive actually made a 2.0 ver of this deck too. Check it out if you want

Posted 15 April 2011 at 14:55 in reply to #121995 on Mono White Angel Deck


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