
45 Decks, 70 Comments, 10 Reputation

goblin bomb is too expensive, because sooner or later I wanted to buy this deck if I find the time and money, so I wanted to keep it as cheap as possible. Plus I don´t find it too effective, it runs parallel to chance encounter but only deals 20 damage so it's bad against life decks. Chance Encounter + the flip cards should be enough to win.
I did put the blue into it because I wanted it to be different, as you said all flip decks a mono red.
also I like fog bank as a blocker. and yeay stitch in time is nice especially with chance encounter ^^

Fabricate is more or less a place holder for krarks thumb, but maybe I change ratio and put one more in and take a rabricate out.

but you'r right about fiery gambit, it's pretty powerful.


Posted 04 July 2012 at 20:32 in reply to #270553 on Devil´s Luck


looks nice but you are aware that abundant growth doesn´t produce additional mana? since you will need a lot of mana for army of the damned I would suggest to replace it with: Rampant Growth, Fertile Ground or Farseek.
also your mana curve kinda looks off, maybe swap Cemetery Reaper for a cheaper creature: Butcher Ghoul, Llanowar Dead or Festering Goblin.

feel free to check out my decks^^

Posted 04 July 2012 at 19:05 as a comment on *LEGION*


have you considered Abundant Growth over Fertile Grounds, it's cheaper, let's you draw a card only weakness it produces less mana, but if you have earthcraft and squirrel nest out it doesn't matter anymore

Posted 30 June 2012 at 11:37 in reply to #268727 on 150th Deck Celebration


Well I´d call wonderful use something else, I don´t see a real tactic behind this you just put a deck together out of horrendously expensive cards. I don´t see any synergy effects you just delay your opponent with your destructions spells until you can get your planeswalker out and then use their effects. this deck is pretty slow, the earliest turn you can get out a planeswalker is 3rd turn, but she´s pretty useless since her +1 effect makes you discard a card also.
if you wanna use a planeswalkers pick 1-2 and build a deck around them, use all their effects to your advantage.

hope you don´t mind my criticism

Posted 30 June 2012 at 11:24 as a comment on Planeswalker


I like how you try to be economic, maybe you could take a look at my green/blue deck and give some advice.

thanks in advance

Posted 29 June 2012 at 15:32 as a comment on Turbo Fog (Budget)


I would replace 2X Birds of paradise with two more Lanowar elves makes the deck cheaper (except you already got the two birds of course)
also your deck is very creature based maybe look out for some Gaea's Herald and/or Dense Foliage

Posted 29 June 2012 at 15:04 as a comment on Devouring Hydras


just finished two decks I would like your opinion to.


thanks in advance

Posted 29 June 2012 at 12:16 in reply to #268537 on Nemesis of Libraries


haven´t played for a long time so I don´t know the card names especially of the new editions. Still glad I could be of any help.

Posted 28 June 2012 at 21:01 in reply to #268537 on Nemesis of Libraries


didn´t read all the comment, deck looks solid. but one danger to milling decks is if the opponent has any spells putting his graveyard back into his deck. maybe put some "exile whole graveyard" into the sideboard just to be prepared

Posted 27 June 2012 at 22:26 as a comment on Nemesis of Libraries


I don´t get the point of true conviction. Most of your creatures already have first strike or even double strike + you have a creature that gives all creatures double strike. So you only profit from lifelink, isn´t there a cheaper way to get that? I haven´t played in a long time so I don´t know any good card to replace it, but I think you should look out for something to replace it with.
overall I like your Deck, oh and please don´t check out my decks cause I don´t have any yet!

Posted 24 June 2012 at 21:21 as a comment on Impenetrable Knights


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