
94 Decks, 542 Comments, 8 Reputation

that works too thanks :)

Posted 25 July 2009 at 03:40 as a comment on turn 1 hellkite overlord or akroma!!!!


seems good enough if i was u i would use red/green instead of red green black i have a cool deck that clears ur opponents field, click my name and look at my bringer of the death pits deck

Posted 25 July 2009 at 03:36 as a comment on Deathtouch Deck


just because mcnest has an auroch deck doesnt mean that this is stolen from him lots of people have auroch cards and he built one

Posted 25 July 2009 at 03:34 as a comment on Aurochs


Traumatize amazing card it mills half the deck and boomerang isnt type 2 legal so keep the unsummons

Posted 24 July 2009 at 18:27 as a comment on Beginner trying to mill in standard


i actually drafted black aswell hoping to make b/w but i got so much white i decided monowhite

Posted 24 July 2009 at 18:19 as a comment on my m10 draft


only 18 actual boros cards in the deck nice tho im sure it runs smoothly and quick most of the time i would put agrus kos in it aswell he pretty much is the creature version of glory of warfare or maybe some of the boros angels or the trumpeter he has always been nice

Posted 24 July 2009 at 18:18 as a comment on Boros strike


check out my exalted vitality deck i use the cradle aswell but i dont have the angel theme to it but i do have a separate angel deck. i also use lifelink creatures like knight of meadowgrain and the nip gwylion i once had the knight to a 4,500/4,500 lol my opponent wasnt too happy

Posted 24 July 2009 at 17:56 as a comment on Exalted Angel


call to arms i believe is a white instant that untaps all ur creatures i could be wrong tho

Posted 24 July 2009 at 01:39 as a comment on The Fungus Among Us


umm because u have mycoloth u will need to devour ur other creatures and the other creatures could prove helpful so u dont want to eat them, my advice would be to add something like prescence of gond to make elf tokens or scatter the seeds for saproling tokens to devour or u could use verdant force or verdant embrace all i think could prove helpful

Posted 24 July 2009 at 01:37 as a comment on Green lightning


if u put any of the vivid lands in the deck or any way to use green in this deck, a really nasty anti flying is raking canopy. another is crib-swab but swap is white changling instant it removes a creature from the game and that creatures controler puts a 1/1 changling into play

Posted 24 July 2009 at 01:32 as a comment on Clerics


yay i have a fan lol thanks for the mention, urs is probably more efficiant than mine but yea i only use mine against arrogant asses too. i like how u threw in the petals probably helps alot and the tutors aswell thumbs up

Posted 22 July 2009 at 15:48 as a comment on Flash Hulk


i like it, i went up against an EDH deck that runs off of donation of things like the illusions and also like the nefarious lich and the guy also used bounce cards so i would lose after the donation something to think about maybe

Posted 21 July 2009 at 10:52 as a comment on trix/chant


seems good, one thing i would do is to take out the shadow sliver and try to find some shifting slivers it makes it so slivers can only be blocked by slivers but ur creatures can still block unlike with the shadow. i know u have the winged sliver and it costs alot less to play than the pulmonic but with the pulmonic u can put ur creatures that die back onto the top of the library sumthing to think about maybe o and maybe the mesmeric sliver or the crystaline sliver if u can get ur hands on one

Posted 21 July 2009 at 10:47 as a comment on Sliver Defensive


this deck is really cool, its kind of like my recurring nightmare deck, sac a creature to bring one back to play u should check it out. i might build this deck to c how it runs thumbs up tho

Posted 21 July 2009 at 10:26 as a comment on Greater Good


yea its an awesome combo ive been using in my scarecrow deck ever since shadowmoore came out u can look at it click my name and the deck is dont fear the reaper

Posted 21 July 2009 at 10:13 as a comment on T1.5 Grindstone.


i never thought of the basal sliver and sliver queen combo lol nice work man, the only other change i would make is maybe throw in an essence warden to gain infinite life once u start ur combo

Posted 18 July 2009 at 16:21 as a comment on Slivering


it seems good, ive always wanted to build this deck, the only thing i would be worried about is the lack of creatures 11 creatures in a 60 card deck maybe add some more tutors or another enchanter maybe add a few scuttlemutt so u can make any creature all colors hope this helps check out my decks rate and comment them please oh and i think i did my math correct but if 1 of each enchantment was on the fusion elemental it would wind up being a 29/29 firebreathing, unblockable, deathtouch, flying, trample, vigilance, doublestrike, lure, lifelink, indestructable, deals combat damage u draw and they discard 1, firststrike, wither, haste, and shroud

Posted 18 July 2009 at 16:16 as a comment on WUBRG shadowmoore block enchantment


seems ok, what do u sac into the mycoloth ur liege, elf or birds? its not too effective unless u have more token production sprout will only get u so far. scatter the seeds, supply//demand, verdant embrace, add anything to give u more creatures for the mycoloth to devour and i think it would run better for u hope it helps and i commented u back on my turn 0 win

Posted 18 July 2009 at 15:49 as a comment on Hazy Mycoloth


yes it is a cheap combo and it does suck to go against which is y i dont use it much unless im going against some of my friends that have very fast wins aswell

Posted 18 July 2009 at 15:42 as a comment on Turn 0 Win


seems solid, u should check out my aria of naya deck, u might see some things to help or that u would like to add to ur deck rate and comment me if u want any tips or anything

Posted 18 July 2009 at 02:54 as a comment on Naya Behemoths


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