
12 Decks, 10 Comments, 0 Reputation

I love this deck. It looks like a blast to play. I might suggest adding something to draw into the Demon more quickly: maybe some Sign in Blood, or Diabolic Tutor. Other than that, I really don't have anything to say. This deck looks awesome.

Posted 28 February 2011 at 23:41 as a comment on Halloween Fun


I don't understand. Why is there only 1 of everything except Giant Growth? This is kind of like half a Commander deck. What format is this for?

Posted 28 February 2011 at 23:37 as a comment on Don't Go in the Woods


Honestly, it seems a little slow. I think you'd be well served to cut out a couple of the Hero copies and replace them with some rushin' goblins.

Posted 27 February 2011 at 13:24 as a comment on RW - Battle Cry


Oh, man, I just noticed something: why are there no Signal Pests in this deck?

Posted 22 February 2011 at 20:18 as a comment on Contested Goblin War Zone!


Goblin Guide is coming out in a pre-made deck this Friday. Mirrodin Besieged Event Decks. There are going to be 2 of him in each deck.

So...you should pick up one of those ( :

Failing that, he should get cheap pretty fast.

Also, I would question your use of Flight Spellbomb. Do you really need the flight as much as you need, say, a fourth Memnite and a third Bushwhacker?

Posted 22 February 2011 at 20:16 as a comment on Contested Goblin War Zone!


I like the idea, and I don't really have any more suggestions.

I think this would be a fun and completely non-competitive deck to play. I think the reaction to White burn alone would be worth playing it.

Oh, yeah, and add 4 lands.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 20:12 as a comment on white burn :)


Wow, I love the idea for this deck. This seems like something that would be a blast to play. My only concern is that there might not be quite enough ramp. I hate to say that, because I do love me some burn, but in order for this deck to function you basically have to get some ramp in the early game. If you draw only burn in the early game, you're going to be in trouble come turns 4-5.

That said, I'd say get rid of the Flings and knock Cultivate and Khalni Heart Expedition up to 3 each. I don't think 10 creatures is enough to justify playing a card that requires a creature on the board in order to work. I would also suggest moving the Burn the Impures to the side, since they're about 17 times better against Infect than against anything else, and putting in Arc Trails instead. But that's just me.

Like I said before, I think this is a fantastic idea for a deck. I might try putting one together myself now ( :

Posted 22 February 2011 at 20:08 as a comment on Attempted fast burn


Why Sun Titan? Why not add one more Primeval Titan and one more Stoneforge Mystic instead? I would think that if you're going to see a Titan you would always want it to be Primeval, and if you're only main-decking two artifacts you definitely want to hit the Mystics before the swords. But that's just me. And I will admit that I've never had much of a liking for Sun Titan.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 20:00 as a comment on GW


Why not Arid Mesa instead of Terramorphic Expanse? It's better, and you're only searching for Red or White anyway.

And I would tend to drop one of the Accorder's Shields for +1 Mox Opal. You don't really need the vigilance in this kind of deck, and you pretty much always want to see the Opal so long as you have Metalcraft (and in this deck, you'll always have Metalcraft).

Posted 22 February 2011 at 19:57 as a comment on Mirrodin Boros


I have to question the Cultivates. And the combat tricks--why do you need combat tricks when all your creatures have Deathtouch? What are they for?

Posted 22 February 2011 at 19:54 as a comment on Deathtouch Kills! Duh!
