
9 Decks, 20 Comments, 1 Reputation

I prefered Duress over Brainbite for its low mana cost, i really need an early discard there in case to slow my oppononents.
You are so right about Underworld Dreams and thats why i have 4 of them in my sideboard, although i do need some defence i think ill change my Propaganda for Underworld Dreams, i mean who cares about defence at all when the deck can inflict tones of damage?!?

Posted 03 January 2012 at 01:40 in reply to #225727 on Affliction


ty fisherman! its the only permanent i know that can help me both discard and draw my opponents. if you happen to know any other plz let me know.

Posted 03 January 2012 at 01:20 in reply to #225721 on Affliction


How about Anvil of Bogardan ? A permanent both player drawer - discarder ...! Nice deck btw , i like the alteration of a discard deck that it offers.

Posted 28 December 2011 at 17:12 as a comment on Liliana's wtfboom mk.II


Hmmm, glad to mention about Purity, the "Pay 1 life" cant be prevented but still it's a great card that can win the game for you.

Isolated Chapel seems so sexy :)) ty mate.

As for the Necropotence it is a fine way to keep your hand always full and keep playing spells that gives you life and harm the opponent at the same time. (One of my favorite card too, i really love necro)

Posted 14 October 2011 at 17:03 in reply to #207048 on Midnight Opera


Hey unknownhunter, I just tried my 1st Necropotence attempt (damn i really love that card) but something's wrong with the deck and i would like you to have a look and plz help me to make this work without changing its concept too much.
Here is the link
Nice work here, really aggressive mill deck. +1! How about some Hedron Crab, Broken Ambitions instead of Mana leak. i would suggest the use of Memory Erosion or Traumatize but thats gonna make it just another mill deck so keep it like this, something different - something unique!

Posted 28 September 2011 at 11:54 as a comment on Aggro Mill (INN)


Hey dknight, I just tried my 1st Necropotence (damn i really love that card) attempt but something's wrong with the deck and i would like you to have a look and plz help me to make this work without changing its concept too much.
Here is the link
P.S. really nice and fast deck by the way.
P.S.2 Ever told you how much i enjoyed your "Upon the cross" deck??? One of the funiest ideas i ever met. Cheers!

Posted 26 September 2011 at 11:46 as a comment on standard RDW


damn it dknight, i knew i was asking the right person to do my job!! thank you for your time and cant wait to see your next necro-deck. You also gave me an idea; do you think that necro could work with affinity?? i mean 0 cost artifacts and affinity cards that come for free at tons thanks to necropotence. Anyway i dont want to confuse you, im just waiting for your next necro-idea...

Posted 30 October 2010 at 17:18 as a comment on velshtein equivolency


i hope u dont go mad at me if i ask the same from unknown hunter, the more i check your decks the more u amaze me guys, keep going !!!

Posted 28 October 2010 at 08:50 in reply to #95212 on non-linear regression


Hey unknownhunter, i want to give u a challenge. i think that necropotence is one of the best cards ever printed and i want to make a casual deck including it but i cant find a really cool idea. Last time i tried a "drain life" deck with sanguine bond killing them and necropotence digging through your library for the right spells and a full hand at all times, you can try use sanguine bond too since u r a more experienced deck builder than me and im sure u can do better OR you can try any of your cool combos since i dont care how old or new a card will be. i think that you and dknight are the most experienced deck builders around so it would be nice if you could spare some time for it. ty very much :)

Posted 28 October 2010 at 08:44 as a comment on Deck Idea's?


Damn it dknight this is SO cool!!! the more i check your decks the more you amaze me ...

Posted 28 October 2010 at 08:29 as a comment on upon the cross


Hey dknight, i know that this is not the right place to do it but i want to give u a challenge. i think that necropotence is one of the best cards ever printed and i want to make a casual deck including it but i cant find a really cool idea. Last time i tried a "drain life" deck with sanguine bond killing them and necropotence digging through your library for the right spells and a full hand at all times, you can try use sanguine bond too since u r a more experienced deck builder than me and im sure u can do better OR you can try any of your cool combos since i dont care how old or new a card will be. ty very much and i almost forgot ... nice deck , really fun and nice!!!

Posted 28 October 2010 at 08:11 as a comment on non-linear regression


n my opinion one more Feldon's Cane would be fine against discard or mill decks or else it's a waste. Still it is good to be on your sideboard.

Posted 08 October 2010 at 17:38 in reply to #91306 on Dream of Lemuria


Elixir of Immortality is good if you need to recover some early damage but in most cases all u need is a fast library - reset and nothing is faster than Feldon's Cane.

Posted 08 October 2010 at 17:37 as a comment on Dream of Lemuria


try necropotence it will be a killer combination and you stay black!!

Posted 27 September 2010 at 14:16 as a comment on Fast, harsh discard


Aye, coat of arms is good but think it again, it costs 5 mana and at 5th turn your opponents are supposed to be dead (or close enough). But coats is still a good choice :)

Posted 22 September 2010 at 18:14 as a comment on Slivers Wrath
