
11 Decks, 6 Comments, 0 Reputation

Since its a Warcaller based deck, maybe a Proliferate from SOM? A couple Contagion Clasp should be fine, since Oracle of Mul Daya speeds up the deck.
A card from SOM that might help is Ezuri, for his regenerate and Overrun abilities (3 elf lords ftw!)

A couple Fauna Shamans could help you find your Warcallers and Ezuris if they are not showing up.
Tajuru Preserver is a good SB for Eldrazis (annihilator and All is Dust).

To make room, its up to you :p
I wouldnt use Garruk if you are using Ezuri and the Baloths.

Good SB btw :)

Posted 06 October 2010 at 08:22 in reply to #90661 on Mono Elf


Also Tajuru Preserver for SB since Eldrazi Ramps are owning most tournaments

Posted 05 October 2010 at 10:24 in reply to #90654 on Elf .0


Nice set!
Dont you think Asceticism and Beastmaster slow the deck down a bit?
I mean, Eldrazi Monument is a much better finisher with better abilities and the same mana cost. Its sacrifice is nothng since you got Nissa's combo. And you won't need the Monument for more then 2 turns to end a game.
Also, Ezuri already got a better regenerate than Asceticism and can easily be put in game with some Fauna Shamans.

Beastmaster is the same cost as an Archdruid and 7 creature attacks is kind of too much to trigger (even considering pulling in the first hand) since elf decks are suppose to end a game on the first 5 turns. :p

Posted 05 October 2010 at 10:22 as a comment on Elf .0


Tajuru Preserver lol.

Posted 05 October 2010 at 10:02 in reply to #90455 on Eldrazuri Green T2


18 lands? If you are running 18 lands, I wouldnt recommend 4 Warcallers or Strenght of Tajuru.
I didnt understand the use of Mul Daya Channelers either. If you intend on using its abilities, more lands and Fauna Shamans should work well.
The SB also dont help as much in different situations. No Naturalize, no Mold Shamblers, no Acidic Slimes, no Vines.

Look at my Elfs Standard deck. Ezuri and Garruk already make Overrun not needed. And if this is suppose to be T2, Visionarys are out.

Try balancing thing out.

Posted 05 October 2010 at 09:48 as a comment on Mono Elf


I don't think running Soul Sisters without Ranger of Eos is such a good idea.

Ranger of Eos enhances your chances os pulling Souls Attendant and helps you out if you need more sisters on the field.

Lone Missionary gives you 4 life (plus the sisters bonuses). Ranger gives you sister bonuses and you'll prolly be able to put the other 2 creatures in no time, giving you even more bonuses.

4x ORings are awesome, but not enough for RDW or Leylines of Punishment.

Posted 13 September 2010 at 14:55 as a comment on soul sisters my way
