
37 Decks, 74 Comments, 4 Reputation

I was thinking that but that is what the sideboard is for so far I pretty much NEVER draw the traumatizes so I don't mind having more and I didn't like adding more haunting echoes because with surgical extraction I found more of them unnecessary, but thank you very much for your input I may still make changes as this is very early into the deck build!

Posted 23 May 2011 at 03:51 as a comment on Millin' Everything


One thing you could do is add some darksteel relics if you want to use phylactery lich

Posted 21 May 2011 at 23:18 as a comment on Circle of Lich


Take out your tome scours for keeneing stones they are much better mill

Posted 09 May 2011 at 05:00 as a comment on Echo Mage


instead of perilous myr you should use palladium myr because then you can also get ramp and ramp is good with dragons

Posted 06 May 2011 at 06:07 as a comment on Dragon Deck *Standard Cards Only*


You should add demonic tutors and take out your diabolic tutors, they are way to slow to be worth a damn

Posted 25 April 2011 at 21:43 as a comment on Wither


thanks I didn't notice that had happened

Posted 23 April 2011 at 22:25 in reply to #156197 on Chainer's Death Cloud


green sun's zenith could be a complete killer because this deck has more than enough mana ramp to pull it off. As well something funny you could do is also use white sun's then phrexian rebirth to get a stupid huge creature.

Posted 12 April 2011 at 00:32 as a comment on Wall-Drazi


I don't know but for some reason I think that you should replace your guile for maybe a sphinx of jwar isle because it combo's nicely with jace if you feel like pushing him up to higher life or another apprentice wizard because he is beautiful with power sink and condescend. Though all in all I really like this deck seems like an amazingly fun deck to play!

Posted 11 April 2011 at 00:16 as a comment on Jacey-Wacey Control


Why not use rite of replication? It makes precursor golem stupid awesome

Posted 10 April 2011 at 07:53 as a comment on GAUL-EMS LOTS OF GAUL-EMS


Why are you using loxodon? I know it is great but it is the only thing keeping your deck from being perfectly standard, just wondering because you could just replace it with another armor.

Posted 08 April 2011 at 05:35 as a comment on Holy backup plan Batman


Having a 6/6 lifelink for four that I can drop on turn three has worked great for me up to this point, to be honest I don't care about transcendent's lvl 3 just a bonus if somehow I manage to get it. To be honest I am not really too enthused about the mantra myself it has been working out fine for me but as I had relied to the earlier message I will be taking the true convictions out of the side board on account of them being pretty much useless in every situation for two plains which I can just swamp out the mantras for. As well I have been having no problem with my lands for some reason I keep getting great draws and it has been working out well, but that sideboard swap should guarantee I don't end up having a problem with my lands.

Posted 08 April 2011 at 04:28 in reply to #150925 on My Life Is The Best Life


my record life hasn't been able to get over 80 because I get damn lucky with that feldar before I can hit a killing blow, though that should change because I should be playing more fun games soon. Yea the mythic's were a bit expensive but I only had to trade for one Ajani so I just got lucky I guess. With means to the lands they have been working beautifully for me at this count I started the deck at 21 and didn't run the mantra's and one less feldar but if it serves me wrong in the future I guess I could just swap out the mantras again but I think I will just swap the true conviction in the sideboard for two plains just in case.

Posted 08 April 2011 at 04:04 in reply to #150916 on My Life Is The Best Life


I don't mean to sound mean but this is an interesting idea but Venser has no place in this deck and if you say it is to bounce those shriekhorns that is pretty bad because it has to be one of the worst mill cards I have ever seen. Some staples of mill especially in this block would be NOTHING from scars. I see no problem with the idea in fact I really like it but this deck isn't going anywhere during the scars set as by that scars has no real good mill and it is looking like it wont be getting anymore with this next set as well seeing that one of the best mill cards in this block is tome scour which is also very bad mill... don't mean to offend just this block has no good mill and lord knows I have tried to find some.

Also yes adding black is always good for mill U/B has had the strongest mill decks of all time because black has discard and exile graveyards etc. So I don't want to crush your spirits or make you rage just mill is obsolete for now sadly :(

Posted 27 March 2011 at 04:59 as a comment on Venser's Millin' Machine


I don't see enough lands or mana producers here, EDH decks are restricted to 100 cards and they have more lands or mana producers than this deck which has 126 cards, just and idea you may want to think about.

Posted 27 March 2011 at 04:50 as a comment on Tezzeret , Agent of Bolas Deck (Myr Deck)


Would like to hear any suggestions you may have!

Posted 27 March 2011 at 04:48 as a comment on Type 2 Esper? Figgin sweet!


sideboard it is the Sen Triplets

Posted 22 February 2011 at 23:13 as a comment on Esper EDH


I don't think that you fully grasp the point of vampires is to pull a zerg rush and dominate/overpower your opponent as fast as possible and quickly beat them down. more early drops and less late drops could make the deck more powerful as well as sign in blood for the only real example of standard black card drawing.

Posted 13 February 2011 at 20:55 as a comment on Vampire's Suck


You should consider adding gravity well, that gets completely rid of any possible flying threat since it is the only pitfall to treefolk style decks

Posted 10 February 2011 at 00:06 as a comment on high father


Looks like my friends would gouge my eyes out for playing this deck... Thanks for the fun idea!

Posted 31 January 2011 at 00:06 as a comment on Storm Deck


This deck is pure beauty

Posted 24 January 2011 at 17:32 as a comment on Fog that!


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