
2 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Regarding the Combo: Fantastic idea. Great to see a new daring idea!

The problem is, your deck will be wiped out by a heavy red / black aggro, dominant in present tournies. Consume the Meek, Infest, Earthquake, Lightning bolts will wipe you right out. I recommend more bounces, counters, and kills. Since you have blue and white, and most of your cards are easy to pick off, you are prone to aggro, which most current tournaments are playing. Path to Exile (If you want, + Archive Trap combo), Cancels, Essence Scatter, Flashfreeze, Twincasts are all cards which can help you survive longer.

Regarding land choices: I'm not sure I could agree with the usage of the Terramorphic Expanses. They are especially useful for cards which are landfall based. (Hedron Crab, Scrib Nibblers) Without landfall cards, I'd recommend replacing them with dual-lands (Glacial Fortress, Sunpetal Grove) or just go basic lands. There is just no point drawing a land, sac-ing it and then finding another land in the library when you can use manafixers and just basic lands to do the job. You also risk triggering an Archive Trap. And running 1 plain is very dangerous if you play anyone with a land-destroy in their deck and you happen to need the 1 white mana.

As it stands, your harrows are not as effective as you think. It is a good card, but you lose a land to fetch 2 on turn 3. Many tournament based games will win or have determined results by turn 4 or 5. Your Harrows, by the time you play them, will be essentially useless. You can circumvent this with more bounces, counters, and game holders.

I recommend cutting out 2 lands and run 22 rather than 24. Your deck has a low manacurve. 24 lands seems a little excessive.

By playing blue, you have decided on "control" element. By playing green, you have decided on "rampage" elements. So use your control cards like counters and bounces to keep you alive while your mill slowly does the trick.

This also ends up being a personal play style, your local group of players, budget, and deck testing. Ultimately, you decide what works.

Posted 05 June 2010 at 02:27 as a comment on 180+ Mill
