
114 Decks, 132 Comments, 5 Reputation

yes but seeing as how most of the time you wont have a leyline of the void out, the time reversals will just take up space because using one will shuffle their graveyard back in as well. completely undoing all the milling that you've done. so they just seem to take up space. as a nemesis of reason on the other hand just for attacking gets rid of another ten cards, or a traumatize cuts in half the total number of cards needing to be milled.

Posted 23 March 2011 at 15:07 in reply to #144582 on What A B!tch


nemesis of reason.
2 more hedron crabs.
take out time reversal.

Posted 21 March 2011 at 18:30 as a comment on What A B!tch


first of all....hilarious,
second of all.....kill yo self
and third of all the real title...... assisted suicide.

Posted 14 March 2011 at 16:27 as a comment on Assisted Suicide


steve i think you are missing the point of the deck. with several diferent hand combinations omnoth is comming out 2nd turn that means that nick then starts to pool mana in his mana pool at massive rates with forest and magus of the vineyard that gives nick a massive creature 3rd turn. if magus was played first by third turn omnath will be a 5/5 and nick on fourth turn will have 9 mana in his pool. then out comes a protean hydra or a wolfbriar elemental with a huge x/kicker cost. the point is not to make omnath big and molimo is certainly not the point either the point is MASSIVE mana amounts quick. i like it and hey playing molimo as a 3/3 isn't bad he's only gunna get bigger.

Posted 01 March 2011 at 17:25 in reply to #136022 on Omnath mana accel


i like it! like i said i've always thought drana was a fun powerful card, and i like how this deck works as well. nice work

Posted 28 February 2011 at 15:39 as a comment on Vampire Sac 'n' Win


you might try fitting drana, kalastria bloodchief in there. with that large black mana output that cabal coffers gives you you can decimate whatever flyer stands in you're way and swing for a large amount, maybe even game ending. she is probably one of my favorite vampire ever printed.

Posted 27 February 2011 at 15:55 as a comment on Vampire Redux


well it's a good thought and i will consider it but i think the fastest way this works is:
t1 forest, birds of paradise
t2 mountain, tap birds and forest to play fertile ground on mountain, tap that mountain to play either rampant growth or trace of abundance on the forest.
t3 i now have five of every color in my pool and so out comes a bringer.
that enchantment although it gives me leighway with my lands being whatever i want utopia tree actually is like playing a 0/2 blocker that is whatever land i want meening i actually used my mana to play an aditional mana instead of using a turn to make my mana whatever i want. i will try it but i think that might actually slow down the effectiveness i'm not 100% sure.

Posted 26 February 2011 at 12:47 in reply to #134785 on consider it brought


well thank you yeah i was surprise at how fast it could be, and it just seemed like such a fun thought. thank you for the comment.

Posted 26 February 2011 at 12:41 in reply to #134806 on consider it brought


from my experience with mana excel with 8 mana elves 4 rampant growths and 3 harrows you won't need 4 of the expedition and 4 of wild growth. and you could take out let's say 2 of each and have room for 4 more creatures, or spell like unnatural predation. just a thought.,

Posted 26 February 2011 at 12:39 as a comment on Omnath mana accel


why not ezuri renegade leader? regenerates elves and can do an overrun whenever you want.

Posted 21 February 2011 at 12:44 as a comment on elf overrun


check it out there's no need for myr.

Posted 21 February 2011 at 11:12 as a comment on Dragons!


prison barricade, shivan emissary and verduran emissary are all good early game options and they are from invasion and so fit the coalition theme

Posted 17 February 2011 at 16:36 as a comment on Dragons!


you need to take out the galvanizers, replace them and some other myr with birds of paradise
put at least one more terramorphic expanse in, find some good low mana creatures to replace SOME of the myr they will add early game releif while you try ot get a scary dragon out. there is more work beyond that but for now get that done then update

Posted 17 February 2011 at 16:32 as a comment on Dragons!


take out 2 demonic appetites and maybe two dauthi horror for 4 dark rituals.....wait scratch that just put in 4 dark rituals and just have twenty land becuase your cards cost so little that you won't need a large mana curve.

Posted 16 February 2011 at 16:52 as a comment on Shadow Fun


alright thanks i had considered the bear ubras but i settled on boar because it is a bigger boost for less mana (with the idea of making it faster), but the land maybe a considerable advantage. thanks for the comment

Posted 16 February 2011 at 16:43 in reply to #129691 on trollin


thorn thalid with a surplus of sparoling equals straight damage to the player

Posted 14 February 2011 at 17:51 as a comment on Fungus/Saproling


if you plan on keeping white in the deck and you add too more thelons of haven wood check out mycoid shepherd

Posted 14 February 2011 at 17:48 as a comment on Fungus/Saproling


you need more of the thelon of havenwood, maybe take out two of the white fungus
also splash in some black mana sources for his ability it can be really powerful

Posted 14 February 2011 at 15:15 as a comment on Fungus/Saproling


cemetery reaper, geth lord of the vault, soulless one, and boneknitter are all good, cheap additions

Posted 03 February 2011 at 19:57 as a comment on Dead Animals


tainted strike seems redundant seeing as how all the creatures already have infect. and i would have two vat mothers and maybe 3 hand of the praetors. oh and if you've thought about putting ichorclaw myrs in they can prove to be quite annoying cuz it prevents chump blocking. and having 4 plaque myr could prove to speed up how fast you can play bigger scarier infect like vat mother putrifax and the hydra. just some thoughts

Posted 03 February 2011 at 18:54 as a comment on B/G Infect FTW


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