
114 Decks, 132 Comments, 5 Reputation

well considering that before this set there were no zombies in standard with cmc lower than 3 actually for standard this is a breakthrough for standard zombies since alara rotated out zombies couldn't be a fast tribe, so actually that 2 drop makes zombies an aggressive tribe, and gives you the time to pull out enchantments and large zombie

Posted 29 September 2011 at 02:18 in reply to #203152 on standard zombies, 2.0


haha ok well i seriously considered the dark tutelage when i first put this deck together. but then it fucked me hard a few games and i went back to the arena.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 20:49 in reply to #200719 on suicide


burns health too fast and uncontrollably, this deck needs the space, too use the processor and plan what its doing, and know that all i lose is 1 life consistent.

Posted 15 September 2011 at 18:56 in reply to #200713 on suicide


i sure as hell thought about it but actually i haven't run into manna problems yet and i've played 8 competitive games with it

Posted 14 September 2011 at 14:35 in reply to #200348 on avarice, and deceit


torpor orb would be devastating to you, so you might wanna have a way to deal with it

Posted 12 September 2011 at 15:23 as a comment on UR Twin


if not standard then why not have pestermite, and kiki-jik mirror breaker, it will allow you to have a second way of getting the infinite combo.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 10:45 as a comment on UR Twin


yeah thatnks i might try to work in a few not of this world, thats not such a bad idea. i also made a more budgeted version of this deck, because i liked it so much, of course it isn't the same without the dreadnoughts. thanks

Posted 07 September 2011 at 06:22 in reply to #198473 on phyrexian giants


sinew sliver, and crypt sliver i prefer over clot sliver.

Posted 05 September 2011 at 03:08 as a comment on Current Slivers


that's why there are only two of the mights in there, they are expensive, but when they come out that 2/2 boost is quit brutal, i admit on paper they look bad but in play they are amazing. and i need to have that one dark heart in there just in case i need quick life gain, and the frenzy sliver makes an unblocked hoard fucking crazy. im interested to know why you don't like them.

Posted 05 September 2011 at 03:03 in reply to #197888 on slivers



Posted 05 September 2011 at 00:42 as a comment on slivers


i agree the wellspring wouldn't be such a bad idea, however i don't have room for the other suggestion, it is far more effective when the most of the cards are phyrexian manna so that the rage extractors are working at brutal efficiency and adding too many non phyrexian cards will liquidate it and decrease my chances, but thank you for the comment

Posted 04 September 2011 at 15:56 in reply to #197354 on phyrexian mana


as long as youre sticking to casual play, maybe you might consider adding dredge cards such as dakmor salvage, and grave-shell scarab, they have low dredge costs and one is a land, so you can discard and then dredge back, and add a card like consecrated sphinx and you can dredge like crazy and churn out creatures even faster, because evertime you could draw, you can instead dredge. just a thought though

Posted 04 September 2011 at 15:51 as a comment on Zombie Land Budget


sideboard= 4x phyrexian crusader, 4x doomblade
1x go for the throat, 3x core prowler, 3x distress

Posted 31 August 2011 at 14:55 as a comment on I hate infect


channel the suns.

Posted 30 August 2011 at 00:29 as a comment on Progenitus Pump


it depends on the planeswalker, like tezzy and the old jace and the new chandra, you can easily run 4 in the right deck, but ablaze and karn are a little expensive to run 3 or 4 copies, as for the phoenix: minimal of 3

Posted 24 August 2011 at 01:34 in reply to #194324 on Red Burn 2


khalni hydra is a great green standard card

Posted 21 August 2011 at 18:40 as a comment on Green standard aggro


i would run 4 dispatch, and im not so sure about the trinket mages, considering the equipment youre running

Posted 21 August 2011 at 18:28 as a comment on puresteel paladin


i would take an ichorclaw myr over a plague myr anyday, exoskeletons i don't see a point of, youd be better of with better creatures, and the reason i suggested mutagenic growth is because it can easily tack on two more infect to an unblocked creature, and if you don't have the mana, no problem, pay 2 life.

Posted 20 August 2011 at 04:42 in reply to #193981 on red / green infect


im sorry i meant mutagenic growth

Posted 19 August 2011 at 01:16 in reply to #193745 on red / green infect


take out mycosynth fiend, he's pointless youre trying to win by infect not damage, and if they have that many poison counters on them, then you should be trying to swing with an infect. try putrefax. also ichorclaw myr is a powerfull card.. oh and titanic growth

Posted 19 August 2011 at 01:15 as a comment on red / green infect


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