
7 Decks, 45 Comments, 0 Reputation

You should add in some mass removal. All of your creatures would be safe (as lands), you Wrath, then turn them into critters. Seems like a good idea to me. Also, I would drop the white and red. They give you some neat stuff, but you really don't need them. Just hone the deck to work. Like the idea though. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 18 April 2008 at 03:30 as a comment on HACK of the GENJU


I am playing with a deck like this. Living End (or Living Dead for that matter..) are good ways to come back after being Wrathed. Love the Ripple idea, I'm gonna have to try that in mine. Also, I would throw in more of that, cuz its great. Get rid of the Coat of Arms, your rats already do that to themselves, so the space would be better spent on more rats, or Cabal Ritual. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 27 February 2008 at 02:52 as a comment on Relentless Rats


Add in more Counterspell, 4 just isnt enough to keep big threats off the board. And where is the card draw? And 20 lands just simply is not enough. Also, what does the Advarice Totem do in the deck? If you give it to them, they can possibly steal your leveler. Meh, I kind of have to agree with pillowsrock, lock down decks really are no fun to play against, but whatever works for ya.

Posted 22 February 2008 at 20:47 as a comment on leveler lockdown


I might run light life gain, or even COP: Artifacts. Also, I would throw in more of the Jinxed stuff and remove the Wings of Velis Vel along with Pongify. A storm card in here would help as well, seeing as how you are already playing a lot of spells. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 19 February 2008 at 22:10 as a comment on Guess You Are Just Jinxed


I would throw in some Incandescent Soulstroke and Nova Chaser for the Spark Elemental and the Ceaseless Searblades and I would also replace the Soulbright Flamekin with some Ashling the Pilgrim. Also, I would swap Conflagrate with either Shock, Pyroclasm, or Incinerate.
I love the idea of pumping the Elementals out of control with a recurring Ignus and the Door though. One more thing, Rite of Flame would help you excel out much faster. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 17 February 2008 at 21:40 as a comment on


Fun stuff. I would throw in some Fester Goblin and Lord of the Dead for good measure, along with some spot removal (Sudden Death is my personal favorite for mono black). Definitely lower the number of 5 costs you have in there. Your mana curve is way to high. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 14 February 2008 at 07:24 as a comment on Night of the unending dead


Yeah, Bad Moon is a crazy good card. Take out the Midnight Covenant for it. Also, look into Timespiral they put in Nether Traitor and some huge shadow creature that could boost all shadow creatures and weaken all non shadow creatures. Forget the name right now. Maybe swap him in for the Knights. Also, Sudden Death is a great kill card. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 30 January 2008 at 14:46 as a comment on Shadow and Knight


I would remove the Izzet, Golgari, Azorius, and Rakdos Signets and replace them with Talisman of Dominance, Chromatic Sphere, and maybe some more draw spells, Also, I would throw in the Ravnica lands that add two mana but require you to bounce a land back to your hand (I think you want Dimir Aqueducts). Other then that, seems like a good deck list. And as always, just my two cents.

Posted 30 January 2008 at 14:35 as a comment on Battle of Wits


hahahah...love it! I would throw in some of the transmute cards that could find the Battle of Wits and maybe some mana acceleration.... meh. I might have to steal this idea ;)

Posted 25 January 2008 at 15:40 as a comment on Thats a Big Deck


Its a good idea. I would also throw in some Puzzle Box, Dark Ritual, Rite of Flame, and Seething Song (or some other form of mana acceleration). Also, some burn/kill/counter spells are almost a must. Some early def fence would also help a lot. Your cards are just too mana heavy. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 23 January 2008 at 21:43 as a comment on


I would add in a little more burn, take out the Axegrinder, and throw in some Rite of Flame and Seething Song. You really need the mana acceleration. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 23 January 2008 at 16:28 as a comment on Another freakin giant deck


whats the point of building a deck that only works well against one deck? I can understand doing this as a gag if one of your friends always beats you with elves (they are rather good after all) but outside of that, this is kinda dumb. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 05 January 2008 at 19:24 as a comment on elves sucks


whats the point of building a deck that only works well against one deck? I can understand doing this as a gag if one of your friends always beats you with elves (they are rather good after all) but outside of that, this is kinda dumb. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 05 January 2008 at 19:23 as a comment on elves sucks


The only problem that i can see with this deck is that its very mana heavy with no mana exel. Also, why no Raging Kavu? That card is awesome! At any rate, i would just throw in some mana exel and maybe a few cheap casting cards (such as Lanawor Elves, the can mana exel in early turns or be used as a meat shield) As always, just my two cents.

Posted 05 January 2008 at 16:14 as a comment on kavu rampage


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the moxes restricted? along with time walk...and Recall... and Tinker? and yeah. Like the idea though. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 28 December 2007 at 04:30 as a comment on Unrestricted Doll


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the moxes restricted? along with time walk...and Recall... and Tinker? and yeah. Like the idea though. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 28 December 2007 at 04:29 as a comment on Unrestricted Doll


Unless the landless thing is something that you want to keep, I would add in the Urzatron and or the Artifact lands. Also, you might want to splash blue for Tinker and draw/counter spells. There are some crazy artifacts out there... you might want to think about adding in the Phyrixian Colossus or something along those lines. Otherwise, seems like a really nifty idea (btw, i personally love artifacts) as always, just my two cents.
ps- could you please take a look at my Bounce Discard deck?thnx

Posted 27 December 2007 at 08:17 as a comment on Landless Artifacts


There is an equipment that provides double strike.. Fireshriker? something like that. Anyways, you might want to switch it in so that you can move it around and don't lose it when the critter dies. At any rate, it seems like an interesting deck idea. as always, just my two cents.
ps- could you please take a look at my Bounce Discard deck? thanks.

Posted 27 December 2007 at 08:12 as a comment on


thanks. i go with regress cuz it costs 2U while Boomerang costs UU and this is a two color deck. otherwise, i would go with the Boomerang. :)
Thanks again for the advice!

Posted 27 December 2007 at 06:32 as a comment on Blue Black Discard


You need to add in some huge effect enchantments. (i.e. Mythic Proportions) take advantage of the free enchants! maybe add in some small critters, and take out the counter magic (my experience with counter magic has always been either lots of it, or none of it) as always, just my two cents.

Posted 26 December 2007 at 05:50 as a comment on Auramancers delight


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