Wait... What Happened!?

by Zman1554 on 25 February 2015

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (2)

Planeswalkers (1)

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Deck Description

fast haste/burn deck. Suggestions welcome!

Deck Tags

  • Haste
  • Burn
  • Quick
  • Standard

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,026 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Wait... What Happened!?

Hordeling outburst would be really great to interact with purphuros. They also benefit from his activated ability really well.

Mardu scout is a nice little two drop, and helps with your devotion.

Thundering brute, and oracle of bones are too expensive for this kind of deck. Turn four and five are critical turns for these types of decks and these cards just dont bring enough to the table. Purphuros and Sarkhan are also a little heavy for your mana base but they provide more impact.

Searing Blood, while a good card, doesnt really fit here either. Its too situational. Your first five turns are super important and you have better cards available like hammerhand and frenzied goblin to help punch through blockers.

Stoke the flames. Think about this, you have god of the forge out, cast hordeling out burst, deal six, tap them with convoke and cast stoke the flames essentially for free and deal another four and probably win!

Other good cards for these kinds of decks: akroan crusader, hammerhand, foundry street denizen, frenzied goblin, inferno fist?, coordinated strike, among others.

Gothy has a deck on the front page (Brainstorming: Getting competitive) and he has a red aggro deck there as well as a lot of really good advice.

Good deck! Good luck and have fun!

Posted 26 February 2015 at 07:51


Awesome! Thanks!

Posted 26 February 2015 at 17:47


Ya I like the 1 cast goblins and their abilities along with stoke the flames really makes the deck smooth. Think I should go 2 god of the forge?

Posted 26 February 2015 at 21:40


I dont think it would hurt. Try it out and see. I think he would give you a little bit of late game push

Posted 26 February 2015 at 22:19
