
14 Decks, 2 Comments, 2 Reputation

That definitely is a great card to throw in here and all, and I see your point. But I am trying to keep this as a budget deck, and adding in 4 Inquisitions would boost the price up ~$20, you see my point? Also, the fun part of having so much deck search is so if they do destroy my orb, I more than likely can get another one out fast, and unless they use detention sphere or something of the sort, I think I'll be fine and by the time they destroy the third or fourth orb I'll have enough creatures out to finish 'em off.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 17:02 in reply to #383354 on Torpor Orb fun


I totally agree with swapping out Diabolic Tutor and Consume Spirit, actually I already changed it on here lol. But, though I totally understand why you think the Levelers are slow compared to the others, I don't want to take them out. I like them in there in case somehow a game lasts longer than it should, or if it's a big game. I might sideboard some drawing/discarding cards, but I can't see putting them in the main deck at the cost of four creatures.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 15:53 in reply to #383354 on Torpor Orb fun
