
100 Decks, 68 Comments, 5 Reputation

Why Terror instead of Doom Blade or Go For the Throat? Doom Blade hits artifact creatures, and Go For the Throat hits everything else regardless of color. Terror misses both. Just an idea... but damn I love Nightmare's and Chainer! Also, check out my Tezzerator deck and tell me what you think? =) Thanks!

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:54 as a comment on Mono black control


Fuel for the Cause man! You need the counterspell that proliferates! It's solid... sure it's 4 mana, but it's still a proliferate ability with the added bonus of countering their stuff. Also, check out my Tezzerator deck and tell me what you think =)

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:47 as a comment on Oh no... the virus is airborne.


Soldiers are the sickest tribe ever, I swear. I love good soldier decks! Yours is pretty solid, I would like to see it in action. Check out my Tezzerator deck and tell me what you think =)

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:44 as a comment on Friends With Benefits


Thanks for the comment zak, I checked it out... not a fan of infect but yours seems pretty solid!

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:41 as a comment on U/B Tezzerator Infect


I really dig Battle Cry! Sadly, it's not in the colors I use (esper), but my brother and my friend both independently made gob battle-cry and it's insane. Please check out my Tezzerator deck and tell me what you think =)

Posted 08 February 2011 at 07:33 as a comment on Boros Battle Cry


In mono-colored decks... NEVER run fetchlands. They're dead weight. You don't need to shuffle, you don't know what's coming next anyway lol. It's easier to just put in mountains and according to mathematics, the deck thinning doesn't even give you card advantages until turn 16. Also, feel free to comment my decks, especially my Tezzerator =)

Posted 07 February 2011 at 09:02 as a comment on Goblin (standard)


Drop Ember Hauler, Arsonist, Elder. 2 Contested War zones, no other lands besides basics. 4 bolts, 3-4 Arc Trails, 3-4 Flame Slashes (wall killers baby!) 4 Signal Pests, and possibly 2 Hero of Oxid Ridge for late-game. Let's face it, goblins are a 'can you survive until turn 4?' deck, and if you can with over 6 life, you pretty much win. So you need to just stop them turn 2-3. I'm not sure if that equals 60, but it's a start! You honestly don't need more than 19 land in the entire deck. I do dig Rally the Forces though, especially with 3-4 instances of Battle Cry happening simultaneously.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 09:00 as a comment on Goblin (standard)

Permalink this is the ally deck you wanna make my friend =P

Posted 07 February 2011 at 08:54 as a comment on Extreme Ally's


I agree jimmysmith, I'm still trying to find Tezzeret's perfect place, this deck has changed so much since pre-release it's not even funny! Once again I've changed it... mostly because the meta-game right now is all rush. So I dropped two ratchet bombs into main board, and 2 into sideboard. It helps a lot.

Posted 07 February 2011 at 07:27 as a comment on U/B Tezzerator Infect


Pyromancer is so gross with steal mechanics... I love this deck. So glad you made it!

Posted 06 February 2011 at 06:35 as a comment on Trolololol?


I really dig this!!

Posted 06 February 2011 at 05:46 as a comment on Green Mana Excel


Once again, changed it again into a Treasure Mage toolbox... trying to find the right fit for Tezzeret. He's very difficult to build around, but it's worth the challenge.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 05:35 as a comment on U/B Tezzerator Infect


It's too much of a one-trick pony in its old setting... I've had some redundancy and other answers. Tezzeret is no longer my only winning condition (which is scary with u/b decks out there, and my meta game is almost all goblins/vamps/knights right now), and he is a good finisher. Also thinking Wurmcoil, but I strangely enough, do not own any... so I'm more working with what I own (got all my tezzy's essentially).

Posted 05 February 2011 at 05:40 in reply to #124361 on U/B Tezzerator Infect


Thank you! I considered Memnite, but I can't figure out what to take out. I haven't play-tested it enough to take anything out yet, and sadly I don't have 4 Tezzeret's yet. I got one from pre-release and hopefully I'll pull more from the box I'm buying and from the midnight release.

Posted 01 February 2011 at 17:26 in reply to #123354 on U/B Tezzerator Infect


Control is probably going to rip you apart, especially with only 16 land and not a single land excel card. All it takes is a u/b to have a doom blade or two and a disfigure in their opening hand to lay waste to your elves.

Consider Sylvan Ranger, Cultivate, Harrow, Explore, Nissa Revane, and upping to 20 land. Slap Naturalize and Plumment into sideboard, drop Fog's entirely (aggro decks shouldn't really be concerned with stopping damage like that) drop the Gen wave to 2, and also consider Arbor Elf for more mana excel. Just some ideas!

Posted 25 January 2011 at 00:58 as a comment on Wave surprise


Are you aiming for standard...? Because you've got Brainstorm in sb... just wondering. If you are aiming for standard, go with Preordain.

Posted 24 January 2011 at 06:08 as a comment on BlackBlueGreen INFECTION


Admonition OR Genesis Waves. Haha... also, ditch the Serra Angels. They used to be good, but they're not very good now and they aren't landfall. You need all or nearly all landfall creatures in a deck like this. Oracle of Mul Daya is also a good card. Consider removing the Growth Spasms, the Acidic Slime, and you're much more streamlined.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 07:42 in reply to #116362 on G/W Landfall


I don't see any Admonition Angels are Genesis Waves... those are definitely plusses. True Conviction I see as a useless card, you won't need it. Up to 3 Avengers, and dual lands are always a good thing also. Maybe 2-3 Razorverge, and the same number on Sunpetal Grove.

Posted 16 January 2011 at 07:39 as a comment on G/W Landfall


I love when people drop DoDG on turn 2 and I journey it turn 3. It makes me lawl on the inside.

Posted 10 January 2011 at 08:13 as a comment on sacrifice to kill


uhh... so how do you win?

Posted 10 January 2011 at 08:06 as a comment on 1 Land wins


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