
3 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Yeah, I know there's probably too much hand disruption. Thing is, I only got to playtest it with a few cards missing (replaced a few cards) against a friend. He plays weird decks like GW populate-windborn muse and RB bitterblossom aggro... I won every single time against Modern decks so it felt strong, but it had 4x duress, 4x pacifism, 4x harsh sustenance (good in my BW token Modern deck since I go wide, but horrible here unless it's used to hit face.)

Ob Nix, I like him and was lucky on bfz prerelease got him twice; one promo and one regular but I think he's slightly too slow at 5. When I playtested, I had 1x Sorin, and he was great so I guess I'll put him back.

Utter end, I generally keep as sideboard only since at 4 it's a bit slow. I actually prefer pacifism over murderous cut since I use it to stop aggro decks from putting their early threats, which Murderous Cut can't. Sure with Pacifism they can get it back, but who main decks enchantment hate?

So I guess -2xDepise, -2xTransgress the mind, -1xBrutal Hordechief, -1xLantern Scout, +4xPacifism, +2xSorin.

Thanks for the input, kinda had the feeling it had too much hand disruption.

Posted 22 January 2016 at 00:17 in reply to #573226 on BW LifeDrain + Hand Disruption
