
8 Decks, 21 Comments, 7 Reputation

oh, i c. still i think crypt gheist would do a better job in a mono color (or mayb BW, deck), as only 12 manas in your deck are swamps. :)
and the ticks you are talking about will cost you mana, which is actually speed. consequently i think that a control deck represents a much better way to go for the extort ability.

well about faiths reward. you might be right, but consider that you must keep your mana ready, thats the main limitation of the card. so you cant play a 4 mana drop during turn 4 (and so on). so if you are not able to kill your enemy with the sac option you might loose :) also consider that a few people are using blood artists themself :)

what about geralf? are you having troubles playing him? also wanted to play him in a 3 color deck, but often i that thirs black mana was missing.

hehe, mayb we should do a game in lackey :)
thats the deck i have recently been working on. could be an interesting game ( mayb you could also help me with any improvement.

Posted 16 April 2013 at 15:31 as a comment on Faithful-Cartel


What i also asked myself today. Are 4 angelic benediction and 4 tormented souls not to much? I would cut them down to 3 each. Also ild consider using tragic slip as you will attack each turn and creatures will fall. Ild use only 2 o-rings and side 1 as your deck wants to apply pressure. Also think about the card immortal servitude. As you got lots of 2 drops you can easily regain your creatures from the gy.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 21:18 as a comment on Standard B/W Exalted


i think that you can have serious problems vs fast aggro decks. also undying creatures and token generating cards (for instance plainswalker, lingering souls) will be a problem as you run out of killing cards.

sorin will not survive long enough without any blocking creatures. also i think that its potential in this deck is limited as a +1/0 emblem is especially sweet when u got a lot of creatures (e.g. token decks), but acutally you are playing mainly playing heavy stuff, which will not benefit from sorin :) same is true for mikaeus, you can use him when you have more creatures on the board.

also the deck needs specific strategies.
why adding blind obedience.. extort for only those cards? alms beast is also a creature thats not that good.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 17:34 as a comment on B/W Midrange


i really like your deck idea. im also trying to build a deck on my own, and i know how hard it is to get a nice smooth deck that can compete :)
(if you want to check it out here it is

here some suggestions:

- ild remove 1-2 geists as hes legendary you can only have 1 in play. i also think that there are better creatures avaiable then the centauri healer
- how about adding 1-2 garruk primal hunter? he provides creatures tokens, and also will allow you to draw a lot of cards. actually a friend of mine is playing an elf deck and garruk is incredibly strong.
- mayb Armada Wurm is also an interesting card, especially when combined with the restoration angel ( i know this makes your deck a little bit more mainstream :)
- another valuable card might be Abundant Growth. its a card i haven t seen a lot these day, but its so sweet, you can play it for free (e.g. in second turn).

Posted 15 April 2013 at 17:02 as a comment on Bant Midrange [Standard]


its a cool idead of boros and blasphemous act. but will it work? also in my opinion the guildmage is far to slow. i also don t get the point of the vexing devil. is it solely to do dmg? so that you can hit the enemy with a single blasphemous act + boros combo?

> ild rather add black as colour instead of blue and try to play >= midrange games
> you could use lingering souls to create tokens. you can cast it twice.
> also the blood artist would be very valuable card for this deck.
> i ld also try to add a few more combos to the deck, as luttersign already mentioned assemble the legion is awesome. ild could also be used with blood artists and blasphemous act/boros.


Posted 15 April 2013 at 15:20 as a comment on Boros Torturer


is the deck working? used almost the same idea in my deck, but only es an extra winning condition combo after doing sufficient dmg (

ild exchange faiths reward with Immortal Servitude (- 2 faiths reward + 2 immortal servitude). Costs almost the same (5 instead of 4), but you can cast it also later in game when your graveyard is stacked.

also remove the crypt ghaist as you dont play a lot of swamps.
also i would add at least 1 more additional sorin in the main deck.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 13:41 as a comment on Faithful-Cartel


when using sublime archangel i would recommend anything that can gives you some tokens. i would add lingering souls, as you can generate flying tokens that will also provide beneficial exalted attackers (n.b. you can cast it twice) and xtra creatures for the sublime archangel.
=> think about the combo sublime archangel + lots of creatures + cartel aristrocrat (latter can sacrifice a creature and gain protection from any control -> so hes almost unblockable).

but what i ask myself here is how you are going to counter/handle mass-kill spells. for instance a friend of mine plays a red control deck with ´rolling Temblor´, and that card would simply crush all your ground forces.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 13:33 as a comment on Standard B/W Exalted


thx for the comment :) it started as a fun deck, but i think it can be quite competitive.
yes the ravnica block kicks ass,

as you mention, the deck is standard. it is also a quite cheap to buy (when removing the cavern of souls i think it will cost only about 80$).

Posted 15 April 2013 at 13:23 in reply to #341543 on Humans and demons - Re


thx, i will include it in the SB :)

Posted 11 November 2011 at 13:00 as a comment on Survival :)


looks much better, but dont forget, if you play essence of the wild any creature looses its abilities, for instance hero of bladehold will not provide 2 attackers.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 17:47 as a comment on Parallel lives token deck


good idea :) ill try them next time. i only thought of using feast and famine as it gives a really nice option to discard the enemy pile. but you are right, sword of feast and famine fits even better and provides enough mana for counter spells and mimic vat.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 17:02 as a comment on Survival :)


remembers me of the GW token decks that are out there, including GW token tournament decks.

ild include cards like midnight haunting in order to get tokens. i would switch fresh meat to the SB, remove doomed travelers and exchange the with mana ramp creatures. better focus on mana ramp, get the PW out and make tokens en masse.

Posted 10 November 2011 at 16:48 as a comment on Parallel lives token deck


i think 3 black sun zenith are to much. they are mixed in the stack after use, so ild only take 2. u also have 3 preordain, so it should be easier to get the card u need.
why not using more creatures with poison? e.g. core prowler. this creature can serve as a blocker and at least allows proliferation. i would use it instead of 3 steady progress.

i would also remove disfuigure and add 2 virulent wounds which allow to poison the enemy. since contagion clasps, prolifertation ability, black suns zenith will do the same job :)

if you use throne of geth you could use the artifacts for prolifertation. e.g. in late game chalices probably won t be of any use. so you could consume them and the clasps for fast proliferation (eg using clasp with 4 mana, and then throne of geth, makes 2 poison each round). also u could use throne of geth on 3 core prowler which also makes 2 poison counters.

apart from that it appears to be a nice deck :)

Posted 16 February 2011 at 02:34 as a comment on U/B Proliferate Control


of course ild play into the roil before the attack is declared :)

creeping tar pit would also be my favourite choice, but honestly i dont own that card and consequently i used the cheaper variant :). also i only own 3 darkslick shores, therefore not using another one.

thx for the suggestion, as u suggest i will probably use 2 more fuel for the cause, since i only need mana for the small infect creatures, kill spells, and to activate contagion clasps and mimic vat for proliferation.

Posted 15 February 2011 at 10:09 in reply to #129447 on Infect - Blue Black


hi thx for the response :)

go for the throat is a really good card. i only thought that i should use it if the enemy plays strong creatures i cant handle, since contagion clasp and viruelent wound will do a good job for tiny creatures. also black suns zenith is pretty nice as it allows to place -1/-1 counters which can be combined with proliferate.

i used into the roil as the deck is about speed. mana leak costs me 2 mana which i might urgently need at the beginning of the game to play small creatures.
instead if i use into the roil i can remove a blocking creature, which is pretty fine as the enemy gets poison counters. also into the roil is a good card for the midgame as it allows to draw a card in addition. actually the deck does not need that much counter spells according to my opinion. it will benefit from mass killer spells as it allows to continue to proliferate, also large creatures could be handled by calling them back to owners hand or even controlled with corrupted conscience.

Posted 15 February 2011 at 08:56 in reply to #129435 on Infect - Blue Black


thought of adding 2 vivisection. would allow to sacrifice necropedes (and place a -1/-1 counter on a target creature). thx 4 the suggestion.

Posted 15 February 2011 at 05:38 in reply to #129382 on Infect - Blue Black
