
9 Decks, 22 Comments, 2 Reputation

Ideas for improvement?

Posted 21 August 2015 at 07:39 as a comment on Artifact Fire


comments please.

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:18 as a comment on The Modern Fort


Forgot got about that Tezzeret.

Posted 23 June 2014 at 06:39 in reply to #475358 on Artifact beat down


Might want to add one Oboro, Palace in the Clouds instead of an island or a ghost quarter. (Hedron Crab + Oboro, Palace in the Clouds)

Posted 16 May 2014 at 23:36 as a comment on First turn Mill...oh yeah.


oh also i would throw a ghost quarter in there some how. i find that Kessig wolf run gets very annoying late game if you have no way to deal with it. also witchbane orb for the sideboard against esper mirrors is a must ive found.

Posted 12 March 2013 at 20:42 as a comment on Esper Mill


hey i like it. have you gotten a chance to play test with it? just some thoughts- cut the 4x Grisly Spectacle and put in 4x dimir charm, drop 2x ultimate price and add 2x victim of night (for boros reckoner and the like). i like mutilate but sometimes you just want a supreme verdict. maybe cut a mutilate and throw in a verdict. Im curious why you have the undead alchemist in there? he seems very vunerable and with only 2 toughness i cant see him getting in all that often and he doesnt mesh with all your board wipe. why not 3 snapcaster mages to flashback the removal or gloom surgeons (to slow aggro which i have had trouble with). or maybe throw griselbrand, entreat the angels, sphinx revelations or think twices in. food for thought. here is my U/B mill i said i was going to post check it out and let me know what you think.

Posted 12 March 2013 at 20:39 as a comment on Esper Mill


nephalia drownyard and sands of delirium are good cards to dump mana into late game, damnation instead of grisly spectacle for board wipe. also 4 archive trap isnt a bad idea considering a ton of decks in modern and legacy use fetchlands

Posted 07 March 2013 at 08:14 as a comment on BEST non-combo mill deck!


Victim of the Night works really well against boros. also gloom surgeon in your sideboard for aggro could be helpful. i would also put in one or two jace, memory adept and two or three nephalia drownyards in your main deck.

Posted 07 March 2013 at 08:08 as a comment on Dimir Milling


gloom surgeon and wight of precinct six can be helpful against aggro

Posted 07 March 2013 at 07:55 as a comment on A "mill" will be Ill


drop 2x codex shredder, 1 griptide, 1x dream twist 1 grasp of phantoms .drop 2x stern mentor, drop Ludevic's Test Subject (i cant imagine you getting this flipped and it surviving all that often), 3x think twice 2x cyclonic rift 1x psychic spiral , 2x sage's row denizen. maybe possibly adding Jace, architect of thought, or increasing confusion.

Posted 22 February 2013 at 05:05 as a comment on Standard blue mill
