
2 Decks, 7 Comments, 2 Reputation

I have never used it, but are you sure you have the creature amount to make Scrapheap Scrounger worth it, 4 of them?

Posted 31 March 2017 at 02:27 in reply to #598341 on Fling Intruder


crackdown construct + wandering fumarole then fling too

Posted 29 March 2017 at 21:46 as a comment on Fling Intruder


each diabolic tutor in this deck is like having an extra Pia's revolution since you can go fetch it with it and you REALLY need Pia's R to get this deck going.

Posted 26 March 2017 at 16:19 in reply to #597583 on Revolution!(AET+KAL)


I thought about some 0 cost artifacts, but Foundry Inspector can do that for me, plus most of mine are only 1 or 2 cost to begin with. with implement and terrarion i can draw a card every time it's sent to the graveyard so i shouldn't be aching for land if it goes well. I have toyed with the idea of renigade map and might add some at the cost of a terrarion and 2 lands or maybe just no terrarion and 3 lands. that's a card I actually have to use it's ability to get the land tho, so sacrificing it to ravenous intruder seems like a waste.

Posted 26 March 2017 at 16:15 in reply to #598021 on Revolution


if you have 1 pia's revolution i would take the 3 damage every time because without your artifacts you have nothing that scares me, your gremlin's would be useless and you can only draw one card a turn so your not gonna have a handful of them all the time. plus if i have flying your gonna get crunched in a few turns. BUT if you have 2 pia's revolution if I send it to the graveyard i'd have to take 6 damage(yes 6, i saw the comments above and each pia triggers and nothing fizzles and then once i'd choose to graveyard it then it would resolve into 6) and if i had to take 6 damage i'd give it back every time and hope i can block until i can get something to take out your gremlins until then. you have a serious lack on flying defense though, have you considered freejam regeant? or even hope of ghirapur? that's a fun card.

Posted 24 March 2017 at 21:39 in reply to #597093 on Pia's Pets (Standard Atog)


Have you thought about adding Diabolic Tutor? It would help you get a Pia in your hand if needed. Or maybe adding a Metalwork Colossus to have a big nuke card if ya need it that Diabolic Tutor could put into your hand. I'd go with -2 Instants, one of each, and -1 Marionette to add 2 Diabolic Tutor and 1 Metalwork Colossus. Those cards would still keep it a Kaladesh/Aether Revolt deck too.

Posted 16 March 2017 at 00:51 as a comment on Revolution!(AET+KAL)


Just made a revolution deck myself, but just with red. I toyed with these cards ya got here, but haven't tried it yet. What's ur success with this deck? Check out mine as well and leave a comment.

Posted 15 March 2017 at 15:58 as a comment on Revolution!(AET+KAL)
