
37 Decks, 56 Comments, 11 Reputation

Dude shivan meteor! I can so visualize that just blasting away with that at stuffy doll! Oh and by the way I was so inspired by the name of you deck that I had to make my own version of the deck! I've been looking for a fun combo burn deck anyway! Thanx for the inspiration!!!

Posted 10 October 2013 at 08:58 in reply to #402546 on burn all the babys!!!


thank you borderlands 2!

Posted 09 October 2013 at 03:01 as a comment on burn all the babys!!!


i don't see the turn 2 combo... turn 3 is easy bringer

Posted 09 September 2013 at 12:12 as a comment on Bringer Deck


you sir! have an imagination! One of my all time favorite songs by the way! beautifully done!

Posted 31 August 2013 at 03:00 as a comment on Galileo Figaro Magnifico.


Wow! that's super impressive! Nice job!

Posted 24 August 2013 at 18:04 in reply to #390469 on evil nasty


Drift of Phantasms is a good idea. I like it a lot! very well constructed =)

Posted 22 August 2013 at 05:18 as a comment on Call the Descendant Eldrazi v2


When you mentioned the lands it reminded me of a few eldrazi lands that i forgot to mention before. Take a look at "Eye of Ugin", and "Eldrazi Temple". Both of those lands are quite nice for the big guys. Another something I had thought of was cards with the ability to "Scry". That ability would be WONDERFUL for those enchantments. So a few ideas might be "Mystic Speculation", "Serum Visions", "Preordain", and a couple I think would be absolutely Amazing, "Crystal Ball", and "Cryptic Annelid". Those last 2 cards would be just unbelievable. They would almost indefinitely allow you to put out a creature with your enchantments every turn.

a few other ideas that came to mind were, (an older card, and i'm not super familiar with it's legality.) "Diabolic Vision" wrong colors though. "Brainstorm", "Scroll Rack", "Sylvan Library", "Telling Time", and "Dream Cache". Those could work wonders in getting giant rocks out of your hand so that the enchantments can cast them.

Posted 22 August 2013 at 04:24 in reply to #387956 on Call the Descendant Eldrazi


no problem! glad I could help! =)

Posted 22 August 2013 at 03:52 in reply to #390713 on Casual Infinite Turns


glad to hear it! it's good that you enjoy your deck. other wise what would be the point of having it! =P

Posted 22 August 2013 at 03:51 in reply to #390469 on evil nasty


Look into "Changelings". Any changeling is literally any creature type. Changeling + Descendants' Path/Call to the Kindred is an AMAZING combo in any deck. There are a few changelings that make other changelings copy target creatures on the battle field. This means you can use those changelings and turn everything on the battle field into 4 or 5 super huge eldrazi's. Can't go wrong with that. You also could turn them into eldrazi spawn for whatever reason.

I like the deck! very neat! Good luck!

Posted 21 August 2013 at 08:46 in reply to #387956 on Call the Descendant Eldrazi


You need to get all of the "MoonFolk". Use the Patron's Moonfolk Offering. A lot of the moonfolk abilities are based around returning lands anyway so it works out well with the patron. Specially if you have "Amulet of Vigor"

Posted 21 August 2013 at 08:36 as a comment on Mono Blue Combos EDH


Firstly... Why "unlove" this deck. "Time Vault" is banned all the way across the board. As in it doesn't matter where you play this deck, that card is not allowed.
Secondly, "Unloved" decks is suppose to be for the decks people need help building. In this case it doesn't make sense to really make suggestions on a "banned" deck.

On to suggestions.

Don't bother with green. you should just roll a completely different color. I would suggest Blue or Black.

If you run black, you can use spells like "Dark Ritual" which gives you a turn 1 "Amulet of Vigor" + "Time Vault" drop. Or With the right cards in hand, "Time Vault" + "Voltaic Key" with the mana to untap. Look into both "Elvish Spirit Guide" and "Simian Spirit Guide". Blue gives you the possible artifact search cards. Sense we already have some banned cards in here, why not run "Tinker". You have plenty of artifacts. if you go this rout look into memnite in addition to ornithologist. "Fabricate" is another artifact tutor card. Other cards to look into: "Chrome Mox", "Demonic Tutor", and "Vampiric Tutor".

Oh, and please for the love of god, get rid of all those legendary creatures. Having 4 of each giant creature makes no sense cause you only need 1 to kill the player. to be more specific, you only need 1 Emrakul and NOTHING ELSE.

Posted 21 August 2013 at 08:15 as a comment on Casual Infinite Turns


vampire Bite is an Instant. i would probably put in 2. Max three if you really really wanted to get them onto the battle field but I think that might be a little over kill.

That is my go to website to look up magic cards. It has anything and everything and it's beautifully organized

and no problem!

Posted 21 August 2013 at 04:38 in reply to #390555 on Life Drain Menace


You should think about taking out the white in the deck. Replace those cards with possibly "Vampire Bite", "Child of Night", and/or "Bloodchief Assention". This will also let you fit liliana into the deck.

I don think you need 4 "Sanguine Bond". 26 lands also seems like quite a lot. Specially if you put in liliana. Look into running max 23 lands and with liliana, maybe max 21 lands. If you run mono black, you can also get rid of your multi-color lands and possible run some land fetch cards.

Hope this helps! Good Luck!!!

Posted 20 August 2013 at 18:55 as a comment on Life Drain Menace


I think you have 2 much high costing stuff in the deck. You should think about getting some smaller things and putting in some mana ramp. some ideas would be, "Endless Horizon" which pairs beautifully with "Emeria, the Sky Ruin"

Something to try to stall for time would be "Kami of False Hope". "Goldenglow Moth" and "Pride Guardian".

With all the life gain you have going on you might think about putting in "Ajani's Pridemate"

Your choice of angel I personally dislike, sorry. Some most likely better options would be
Angel of Flight Alabaster (which works beautifully with "Kami of False Hope", and "Windborn Muse"

Some others "Serra Avenger", "Seraph of the Sword", "Sublime Archangel", "Angel of Jubilation", "Archangel of Thune", "Baneslayer Angel", and "Pristine Angel". These are just some options of many others.

"Archon of Justice" is the best archon out there. (you get the most out of what you pay for mana wise).
With all the Lifegain in the deck, "Felidar Sovereign" is a solid idea.
For some more blockers, "Wall of Omens". 0/4, 2 Mana drop, draw card.
Blockers and lifegain. "Wall of Reverence" 1/6, 4 mana drop, gain life equal to the highest power of creatures you control.
You need some control in the deck. "Oblivion Ring", "Journey to nowhere", "Path to Exile", and things like that. A "Pacifism" even
Another couple cards to look into would be "Day of Judgement", and "Wrath of God".

"Healer of the Pride" isn't such a good card. it's a bit 2 much mana for what it has to offer. Also "Pilgrim's Eye", same thing.
You have to many of almost each enchantment. And all of your enchantments cost a really large amount of Mana. You should only have a max of 1 for each of those enchantments unless you decide to run 2 or 3 of one and cut the others. "Noble Purpose" is probably the least useful among enchantments you control. you probably should get rid of them.
"Akroma's Memorial", A game winning card for sure. if you don't have other ways of winner (Example: "Felidar Sovereign"), then you might think of adding 1.
You most likely wont draw a card if you only have one in your deck. Specially if you don't have any land thinners or draw card spells in the deck. You need more "Ajani Goldmane" in the deck. I would say 2, Maybe even 3.

At the end of everything after it's all said and done, you just need to make your deck less mana costly.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Posted 20 August 2013 at 10:44 as a comment on evil nasty


Some Suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanx!

Posted 20 August 2013 at 10:00 as a comment on Vigorous Moonfolk


I saw your deck and it inspired me to make a Moonfolk deck myself. However, Mine turned out to be more of a "Landfall" deck. Here are a few things I found which might really work out for you in this deck.

First i think you need to take more advantage of you "Amulet of Vigor". Amulet + Patron of the Moonfolk + Simic Growth Chamber = Inifinite mana loop. There are several lands out there like "Simic Growth Chamber", so them being inconsistent in a draw is irrelevant. Then the "Patron of the Moonfolk" can easily be tutored for via "Summoner's Pact". The Amulet is a little more tricky to get. But there are a few things you can do to attempt to get it. One would be "Trinket Mage" but you may not want to stray from the "Moonfolk" idea. If that's the case you should look into "Fabricate".

Last but not least, the problem of getting your Patron onto the field. Obviously you can sac a creature to make him cheaper, which probably would work fantastically, but there are faster ways to get him out there if you manage to get the draw. A card called "Summer's Bloom" is one card in particular which is a beautiful combination with your Amulet. With the combination of the 2, you can have the Patron out on turn 2, and an infinite Mana Loop on turn 3.

With the infinite Mana Loop, your "training Grounds" end up looking quite silly. so that's probably what i would suggest to take out if you decide to go with the mana loop.

I'll admite that "High Tide" Give's you your infinite mana loop as well under certain circumstances. But I don't think it's as effective and/or reliable.

Retraced Image is pointless. The only thing you could use it on is Soratami Savant to help sac to put a patron on the battlefield. This combination is specifically requiring having a Savant both on the battlefield, and in your hand, having a Patron in your hand, and having Retraced Image in your hand. And if you ever do get the combination off, and draw another Retraced Image, it ends up being a giant rock in your hand. Correction, a very small pebble, seeing as throwing a giant rock at someone could actually do some damage =P.

Lastly, having an infinite mana loop ends up draining a player's hand very quickly... as in instantly... Having some form of draw cards in the deck would work really well for you. Specially if it's a spell because you can copy it infinitely and literally draw your deck and play every card in your deck at the same time. (including all of your lands with the patron)

Sorry for the essay but i hope this all helps if you even read it =)...

P.S. Thanx for the inspiration, and here's the link to my deck if you need more ideas or just didn't understand what cards I was talking about!

Posted 20 August 2013 at 09:41 as a comment on MonoBlue Moonfolk


Fun deck! Life gain is always entertaining! A few ideas for you, "Goldenglow Moth" probably a better choice then the "Aven Squire" or the "Leonin Skyhunter" This card shouldn't be all that expensive. "Well of Lost Dreams" is another interesting card. You should take a look at it. depending on how your deck rolls you may need some drawing cards and thats a PERFECT card for that problem. "Armored Ascension", however may be a little bit more expensive, but not terrible, is great for any mono-white deck. Specially if you're running "Spirit Mantel".

Personally, I'm a hater on "Whitesun's Passage". It's a one time 5 health gain spell... and then it's gone... Not really my cup of tea. Instead of that, you might think about "Luminous Wake". Sure it's 1 CMC more, but it's potentially a lot more life gain in the long run for one card.

Another card thats always fun in a life gain is "Felidar Umbra". Specially sense you really only have one creature with "lifelink", and then on top of that you only have 1 of him. Considering most of these suggestions are auras/enchantments, You definitely cant go wrong with "Daybreak Coronet". However that's a seriously pricey card. But it's SO BEAUTIFUL!

I can't comment on a lifegain deck without pointing out "Celestial Mantle" either. And once again combo that with some "Spirit Mantle". Can you say insta double my life every turn? cause I CAN!

Anyway, check out those cards. You never know, you might like a few of them. (few might be a little expensive. sorry not 100% sure on cost for most of these)

Posted 07 August 2013 at 10:03 as a comment on FIrst Deck


I rather agree with manofwar personally. specially about duress. Here's my reasoning. In your sideboard, you only have 1 "Underworld Connections", 1 "Duress", and 1 "Killing Wave". The fact that you have so few of these cards means the likelihood of you drawing one of those cards when you need it is very seldom. the 2 cards I can understand you not putting a bunch of them in would be "Underworld Connections", and "Killing Wave". That being said, I still think only having 1 is too few.

"Duress" is a fantastic card! That being said, if there is only 1 of them in your deck, Then you probably wont get to it tell late game. By that point your opponent will probably be playing top deck. If not then he's holding on to something as a "Just in case" (for example, a board wipe, O-ring, or something of that sort). In this scenario, yes, your 1 duress, if you draw it, will help. But chances are, your opponent will have more then just 1 of those "just in case" cards in his deck.

Maybe take out the "Duress" to add a "Killing Wave", or another "Underworld Connections"? probably more likely the killing wave, because "Underworld Connections" will work as a single against long "drawing the game out" type decks.

Anyways, my 2 cents! (P.S. I liked your deck so much that I had to steal it... or at least most of it! =P)

Posted 05 August 2013 at 04:36 in reply to #385335 on The Cult of Immortal Shadows


"Elite Arcanist", or "Isochron Scepter" would be a nice touch. As suggested above, I also believe "Snapcaster Mage" would be a beautiful card. Cool deck, I like it a lot!

Posted 05 August 2013 at 04:14 as a comment on Turn One 3/3


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