THANKS!! I love the honesty :) I made a few changed based on your input.... Better? Why are tokens bad for RA?
If he was a vampire, he'd be in. You're right, I don't get HS on turn two very often. Maybe I'll have to buck up and buy the damn Nobles :) Thanks!
because at 1/1 the heartless summoning (-1/-1) would kill them. I know I have things to make them bigger when they come out, but I was concentrating more on flying creatures than anything..
You have a bunch of cards tho that wouldn't be standard legal? Maybe modern then?
Get another bloodline keeper. Night Revelers aren't worth their cost in mho, use a sengir vampire instead for same cost. Why Cure of the nightly hunt? Go for the throat instead of taste of blood, 1 damage isn't much w/o bloodthirst. Or even shock, does tw damage for same price. Cheers
I'd add another nighthawk in mho. Cheers