
20 Decks, 235 Comments, 26 Reputation

Ah well that's true. I suppose it could be a bummer with something like that. Some things I have in my green deck that might help you are Infiltration Lens so you can get some draw action or possibly Hunter's Insight. I have Canopy Cover instead of Asceticism simply because it makes them almost unblockable and gives hexproof. I find I don't usually have mana for the regeneration of Asceticism. Good luck with your deck : )

Posted 17 August 2011 at 22:04 in reply to #193069 on Untouchable Forest Power


I kinda want to take out the Druidic Satchel. It's a really cool card but it tips my opponents off to what's happening : / I may try to put in a khalni hydra and some tanglesap. Not too certain yet. Terra stomper or Rampaging Baloth wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll get around to trying most of these things out.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 03:02 as a comment on Squashing Squash


I think maybe switching the sylvan ranger cards for Viridian Emissary simply because they have a higher attack. I like the fact that the Ranger gets the card as soon as it comes in to play, but it shouldn't be hard to kill off your Emissary and take out another creature with it.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 02:10 as a comment on Untouchable Forest Power


I suppose that's true. A lot of decks do run on counters or use them, so Hex Parasite might work better. You wouldn't have to sacrifice it and you could also use it's ability on your own creatures if it wasn't going to be blocked.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 21:24 in reply to #192664 on The "Mine" Vampires


Tome scour is really nice for milling. Archive trap would be a nice sideboard item

Posted 16 August 2011 at 02:32 as a comment on milling removal


I suggest putting the Hexmage into the sideboard along with Caged Sun. The caged sun because once you can get it out the extra mana it gives is nice but your hand might be empty by turn 6 and nothing to play. I guess its nice to use all the extra mana for Drana, but the chances of those cards matching up is low. Add another mana for 20 possibly go up to 22. I think you may need to try and get 4 of certain cards like Nighthawk and Bloodghast.
The viscera seer could probably be taken out too. With so many counters on everything from bloodthirst and the Blade of the Bloodchief you may want to try and put in some proliferation like Tezzeret's Gambit or Contagion Clasp.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 02:27 as a comment on The "Mine" Vampires


Believe me I really wanted to, but she insists that it be all cats. I'm sure it'll change quite a bit once she begins playing and stuff. I almost feel that I don't have enough equipment that boosts attack and stuff for this. I'd like to keep it standard atm but there are many other awesome cat cards. Thankyou for your input.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 02:12 in reply to #192648 on Devious Kitties


One of your islands needs to be a mountain. You may want to splash green for those elves that can give you any color mana or the birds of paradise. Channel the Suns would let you get the Reaper King out quickly. Melira Slyvok Outcast would make it so your scarecrows don't come into play with -1/-1 counters on them.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 05:15 as a comment on B Scarecrows


This deck is pretty good. I've played my mono green one against it and it beats me pretty consistently. Burn my creatures off and let Kiln Fiend through. All of that pumps up the shrine and it becomes an easy win. My only chances are getting fogs and naturalize early in the game.

Posted 10 August 2011 at 04:58 as a comment on ker-pow!


ah you are right. Hmm I think I might be switching some cards then. good catch

Posted 10 August 2011 at 00:49 in reply to #189942 on Counterburn: A New Look


I didn't know Sprouting Phytohydra existed. That card is amazing if only it cost a little less : ) I think swiftfoot boots would go well in here, because it gives hexproof and haste

Posted 09 August 2011 at 03:11 as a comment on Big Green Hydras


Why not use ponder instead of preordain? it lets you scry 3 and shuffle if you want then draw a card. For just 1 mana.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 03:07 as a comment on Counterburn: A New Look


I think you definitely need to add in 2 more Inkmoth Nexus. Livewire Lash is another artifact you may consider. I like it a lot more than Lashwrithe but that's just a personal opinion

Posted 08 August 2011 at 23:27 as a comment on Artifect!


I have no clue. I have always really wanted a mill deck because I think they are amazing, but most are practically creatureless so I decided to make one that relies more on them. More of a balance between the two, but I don't have this deck unfortunely : (

Posted 07 August 2011 at 22:13 in reply to #189438 on Milling the Millions


I think you may need more goblins. Goblin Bushwhacker could pump a lot of your creatures up. Goblin Arsonist could be useful because you can sacrifice it with Lookout and do 1 damage. Goblin Grenade might be another useful spell to add in. You may also want to up your mana to 18-20 so you have a much higher chance of getting some. A 1/4 chance could ruin you.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 22:11 as a comment on Nilbog


I usually run all basic lands in my decks, unless they will just help me out tremendously. In yours I think Teetering Peaks could be useful. Chandra could be a really good addition. Either Chandra Nalaar or Chandra the Firebrand.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 16:25 as a comment on BLO.OD


I think you may have too many mana acceleration cards. 4 seething songs and 4 Pyretic Ritual seems like overkill. Pyrohemia may be a good addition though it is 4 mana. It would let you clear the board instantly since you have so much mana. I would choose Chandra over Koth because she does direct damage rather than blockable mountains though I suppose you may be using him for the - ability.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 03:34 as a comment on KAME...HAME...


You have a really cool idea here, I especially like the trap : ) I think your main problem is that you only have 4 artifacts. You'll need to have quite a bit more to have metalcraft for Psyche. Shrine of Burning Rage would be a good addition. Hmm, I think you should take out the Galvanic Blast and add in either shock or lightning bolt. Right now it seems like you might have trouble getting those phoenix back to your hand with so little burn.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 03:27 as a comment on PSYCHE


Right I'm not even sure what you could take out it's a pretty hard choice. Might not even need to. A card you could switch out is Porcelain Legionnaire for some Accorder Paladin. I know it's not an artifact but that battlecry could be really crucial.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 03:19 in reply to #189389 on Balls of Steel


I think you should take out the Cast Through Time and add in another Dissipation Field because the chances of getting just a single card are kind of low. Maybe even do that vice versa. I'd also switch the Jace's Ingenuity for Divination because it has a lower mana cost of 3 and lets you draw 2.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 03:14 as a comment on Mill, de la Bleu.


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